Who am I?

So we have this session on knowledge sharing at our workplace every Friday.. On one such occasion a colleague spoke on 'Self Awareness' and touched upon the topic called 'Johari Window' which is basically a technique that helps people understand their relationship with themselves and others.. The session was a welcome break from the usual work/job related discussion.. And it prompted me to reflect on the question which I still don't have an answer to "Who am I?".. Well, it's not that I don't know who I am.. Its just that I have never given this much of a thought.. I have always just accepted what others think of me and formed an opinion about myself.. But after some reflection on this aspect I decided to pen down my thoughts.. So here's a sneak peak into the 'mystery' that that is ME..

1. I am not a snob (Maybe!)
So I usually come across as this snobbish, arrogant person who can look through you and walk right past you like you don't exist at all.. Well it's not that I'm snobbish.. And it's not as if I'm ignoring the people around.. Its just that I like a few moments in the day to myself.. So when you see me walk past you and not notice you, I'm not being snobbish.. I'm just enjoying my last few minutes of solitude.. And yes I prefer my own company to yours.. No offense.. I'm my favouritest person.. So when you see me walking by in the mornings with my earphones plugged in, please don't interrupt me unless my life is in danger.. I will always be grateful to you.. :-)

2. I am sarcasm!
To the grammar Nazi reading this I know the sentence is not right and should read 'I am sarcastic'.. But in view of the recent conversations with people around and every second person calling me 'Sarcastic' I thought I could take the liberty to be pompous enough and proclaim that I AM Sarcasm.. Please note my intention is not to hurt you.. It's just how I talk.. And most of the time people around have a good laugh.. So I think I have an awesome sense of humour.. But I can also cut someone to size and put them in their place.. That happens rarely.. I have to be really angry or really hate someone to use sarcasm as a weapon of destruction.. Today a friend at work told me that he can't distinguish between when I'm being serious and when I'm being sarcastic.. Well, it's because I've perfected the art of sarcasm!

3. I hate small talk
So you'll never hear me say things like 'Did you have breakfast'? Or 'Nice dress'.. Yeah I know, we should take the time to compliment people and make them feel nice.. Because a kind word can make someone's day.. But believe it or not.. my way of showing love is through sarcasm.. So if I see you wearing a particularly flashy outfit I'll casually ask you how many people at your workplace died looking at you? A good friend would laugh at my question and feel the love.. A colleague who doesn't know me well enough would think I'm envious of her/his rocking outfit and that's why I'm just being petty.. Well, I'm not petty.. Mean maybe.. But definitely not petty.. :-P

4. I can never 'let go'..
I rarely let go of people, feelings, memories, experiences blah blah blah.. So once you're in my life I'll never let you go.. We may not talk as often or meet as often.. But I always think of you and I'll always be there for you.. Along with my sarcasm!

To sum up

If I you think I irritate you, pull your legs, talk non stop, go out of the way to help you & be friendly with you, then it sure means that I like you a lot..

If you think I'm very reserved, have an attitude problem,keep ignoring you, dont pay much attention to what you say...well that means that I definitely don't enjoy your company

Good luck trying to figure out where you fit in:-)


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