Types of friends we all have.. (A friendship day special post)

First of all, a very happy Friendship day to all of you.. I think you have read enough quotes and seen enough reels depicting the importance of friends/friendship in our lives so I won't give you any more 'gyan' on the subject.. But the occasion calls for a customary blog post so I decided to pen down a few thoughts..

I've come a long way from being that naive girl who believed that 'Friendship is forever'.. "Friends forever" is something I scoff at now.. that's probably the cynic in me speaking.. But I've also come to realise that people come into your life at the exact point in time when you need them.. These people turn into friends and then long after they're gone still stay in your life albeit just as memories, but not without leaving a lasting impression on you..  

Today I take this opportunity to thank all these different types of friends (some of who are still in my life and some who are not) who decided to adopt me as their friend and decided I was worth the effort.. So here goes:

---> The Diva: This is the style icon of your friend circle.. Always in touch with the latest fashion trends, impeccably dressed and someone to be admired.. 

----> Aakashvani/BBC : This friend is the source of all the latest gossip.. I don't encourage gossiping but it doesn't to hurt to have the latest scoop on things, so you know ;-)

----> The intellectual/The bookworm: This friend believes having her nose in a book rather than in others' business.. and this friend is my personal favourite..

----> The mother hen: This is the most mature friend in your friend circle.. You rely on this person for all the guidance.. you also seek validation from this friend.. You are vary of doing anything new/risky unless it has the mother hen's seal of approval..

-----> The Social Butterfly: This is the celebrity of your group.. Knows the whole world.. When you are around these people you feel like a misfit.. But you're still friends with them hoping some of their extrovert traits rub off on you..

----->  The long distant friend: The one who's usually in a different time zone from you but you still manage to be friends with due to the other person's efforts and not yours.. (People who  are thousands of miles away from you and still make time for you are in a different league altogether)

------> The fitness/sports enthusiast: This friend is always up for any sporty or fitness related activity.. this person also sometimes pushes you out of your comfort zone and tries to encourage you to try out new things.. 

-----> The non judgemental friend: An extension of the "Mother hen" also your soulmate.. this is the friend you trust with your deepest feelings/thoughts.. This is your "safe space".. This is home.. and it's rare to find this friend.. so for those of you who have found this you have found  a treasure for life and you need to hold on to this friend and never let go..

There are several other kinds of friends.. and all friends can't be categorised into these types.. They fall into several or all of the categories above..

But the only thing that has been common for me is that none of the above types of friends have missed an opportunity to roast me.. It's just "harmless  teasing" but all my friends always ensure that I remain grounded.. Like I could become the MD of a financial organisation but they would still make fun of my ancient habit of walking into a store and picking up 5 kurtas in the same pattern but different colours..  Not my proudest moment but its something that will be thrown in my face whenever the opportunity arises.. (Facepalm!!!)

But these are also the same people who have been with me in my darkest times.. Today I'm grateful to all my friends past and present, who came into my life and gave me some of the best lessons and memories as well..

To quote a song I heard just now "Har ek friend kameena hot hai"

But according to me "Har ek friend zaroori hota hai" :-)

Here's wishing you all a very happy friendship day once again.. :-) 


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