The Biryani that never came!


Though the post is based on real life events it is in no way aimed to hurt anyone.. Resemblence to any person/place is purely coincidental.. :-P


Hari Puttar, thank you for the title..
Dearest 'Honey'.. Take this with a pinch of salt.. And remember we tease those we love the most.. And you know we love you.. ;-)

Usually I carry lunch to office.. And the occasions where I don't carry lunch I usually join other friends to either go out for lunch or order in.. Recently a friend and I decided to order for food.. So she scrolled through a food ordering app..My heart skipped a beat.. My soul became happy.. When she said the 3 magic words.. "Let's order biryani".. To all the people reading this I'm sure you'll agree that everyone loves biryani.. Although I'm not exactly a 'foodie' but I do love biryani from certain restaurants.. Since the order was placed from one of my favourite restaurants I couldn't wait for it to arrive.. The anticipation of having a spicy biryani with chicken pieces to go with aroused my taste buds and I couldn't wait for the clock to strike 1 so that I could rush to have the much anticipated 'yummy chicken biryani'..

Much to my dismay but to the utter amusement of my lunch buddies only the side dish (vegetarian) arrived.. They burst into laughter as soon as I walked into the room.. My friend sheepishly told me that only baby corn had been delivered.. No biryani.. She had by oversight just ordered the side dish and forgot to order the Biryani.. Anyway, I was in shock.. It was like someone had snatched my favourite snack from my hand before I could put it in my mouth.. The child in me wanted to throw a tantrum.. But I decided to play it cool.. Also my friends quickly started serving us both from their lunch boxes.. There was enough food to go around.. While we didn't get to eat biryani that day we did have a nice buffet having got food from everyone's tiffin boxes.. The entire lunch break was spent in laughing over the incident.. Laughter they say is the best medicine and I certainly had a LOT of medicine that afternoon..

I have to admit that there is no restaurant that can match up to the taste of food that has been served/shared lovingly by friends.. The incident brought the realisation that memories are not just about special people.. memories are also made up of goofy events like this.. I learnt this thanks to the Biryani that never came!! :-P


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