The decade that was..

I'm completing 10 years of work life in Vijaya Bank today.. In an age where changing jobs regularly is the norm, sticking to one organization for a whole decade is quite an achievement.. Well, I'm a loyal person.. And I aim to retire from Vijaya Bank..

I wasn't always 'proud and grateful' to be a part of this Institution.. I can vividly recall my first day at work.. It was exactly as I'd pictured.. A government office.. With pale coloured walls, old creaky furniture and lots of paperwork.. And a lot of seniors around.. I mean seniors in age..I was one of the handful juniors in a sea of seniors and I felt like an intruder who had broken into their world.. Some seniors detested the fact that I was a post graduate.. But I can tell you from experience that no amount of education can prepare you for the challenges of life.. So here I was, fresh out of college, the world my oyster but stuck in an office with people decades older than me.. I didn't know how I would adjust to people who are way older than and me and who mildly resented me because they felt that I was handed the job on a platter (I was recruited through Campus Placement).. Like I didn't have to hunt for a job.. The bank came to my college and offered me a job.. So I saw where the resentment was coming from..

But I always pictured myself in a private company handling Recruitment or Training.. And here I was in an organisation with people way older than me.. I wasn't very enthusiastic to go to work in those days because I didn't know how to adjust with the people at work.. And although the people around did try to be friendly and welcome me in their circle I wasnt very keen.. Mainly because I don't open up to people easily.. And also because I didn't really want to be in this place.. I spent my time in denial and self pity making plans for searching for a new job.. But then interactions with my peers who were posted at other branches out of the city away from their homes made me realise I was in a much better situation than them.. So I thought I should take this opportunity to learn from my seniors who had tons of experience and can also be great fun.. That's when I changed my attitude and decided I was going to make the most of this opportunity that I had got to work for Vijaya bank.. Apart from a handful of unpleasant instances I've had a breeze of a career.. All the people I've encountered at my workplace have taught me something.. And I'm grateful for all that they have done for me..

Today I feel grateful to be a part of this great institution.. This job has given me a sense of identity besides making me financially independent and I'm grateful for the job since I got it at a time when jobs weren't easy to get.. I've also had the opportunity to work at several offices and have handled varied portfolios giving me a lot of exposure to the various facets of banking.. Also I've made some of my best friends at work.. Can't thank Vijaya Bank enough for bringing some of the best people into my life..

2 promotions, 10 different offices/portfolios, several acquaintances, a few friends and a great learning experience.. Feeling grateful, proud, happy and contented as I complete 10 years of service at Vijaya Bank today.. :-) I acknowledge the contribution of all those people who made this journey worthwhile.. Thank you for being part of my journey.. :-)


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