The diary of a 'lonely' soul..

Spoiler alert! This post is not going to be as morose as the title sounds (Hopefully!)..

So.. Going out for lunch alone or rather eating alone is frowned upon.. People give you this weird look when they find you having lunch alone.. Well I love people's company at lunch as much as I love dining alone.. And to all you people who seem 'very concerned' about my being 'lonely' at lunch, please feel free to join my table.. Don't stare at me from a distance and look at me like I stole your kidney!

Anyway for those who think having lunch alone is not fun, guess what's even less fun.. Let me tell you.. It's being within hearing distance of a couple having lunch together and listening to their nonsensical conversation but not being able give them your sarcastic responses..

So recently I felt like having a 'Happy meal'.. And so I went to this outlet near my work place.. For a change the place was not as crowded as it usually is and I was able to get my order within a matter of a few minutes.. I was enjoying my burger and reading an online article about the latest flagship phone, when a couple came and sat at a table opposite me.. They were a regular couple.. Not the flashy loud couple resorting to PDA.. Totally inconspicuous.. So what drew my attention to them was when they went to collect their order and then began their 'conversation' the excerpts of which are as below..

GIRL: This is unhealthy food
BOY: Burger is made of bun.. It's not unhealthy
GIRL: Burger is made of bun.. Bun is made of maida.. Maida is unhealthy..
GIRL (again!): French fries are unhealthy..
ME (silently): Thanks for taking the 'happiness' out of my 'Happy meal'.. By the way you're at the wrong place.. You should visit the nearest 'Eat fit' outlet.. Lost your way?

BOY: What's your weight?
GIRL: 70 kgs
GIRL (again) : I'm not going to go above 70 kgs..
Me (in my mind): Heh heh heh.. Yeah we all said that.. We're never going to above 70 kgs.. Then burgers were invented.. Lol

And my advice to all the guys in the world.. You never ask a woman what her age is.. Also you never ask a woman what her weight is.. And my advice to women reading this.. When someone asks you about your age or your weight, you lie (without flinching!)
And yes! you guessed that right.. That girl was not 70kgs..heh heh heh

BOY: They were all at my place.. And they were talking some shit.. And I was so irritated.. I wanted to slap him on his face..
GIRL: (silence) Because she was busy stuffing her face with french fries..
Me (in my mind) : Dude.. A slap is generally associated with the face.. Unless you're watching a particular genre of films.. I'll stop at this..

Well I'd reached saturation point listening to their conversation.. I quickly gulped my coke and left..

Note to self: next time carry your earphones so you can listen to Adele croon 'Someone like you'... Instead of listening to dumb boys and healthy but unhappy girls harping about healthy eating..


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