On Mother's Day..

So today (Mother's Day) was the day when social media timelines turned into battlefields for the competition 'Kiski Maa sabse mahan'.. I saw innumerable posts both on WhatsApp and FB with people professing their love for their respective mothers.. (Yawn!)

Firstly, we all know you love your mothers.. As do I.. So instead of spamming my timeline, you could've just called your mom and wished her a happy Mother's Day considering she may not even be following/be active on social media and so she may have missed your profession of 'love' on a medium that's still alien to her..
Secondly, if you're not going to follow the ideals your mother raised you with then your sharing Mother's day posts has no relevance at all..

Well, it goes without saying that my mom is my best friend.. There is no one who is as appreciative or as supportive as she is of me and my abilities.. And while I don't remember having grown up with any profession of love (saying 'I love you') or any display of affection in the form of hugs and kisses, I had no doubt in my mind whatsoever that my mom loved me unconditionally.. Like there are many ways to say 'I love you' (if only we listened!).. Like 'Be careful when you take the bus'.. Or 'I've made your favorite dish'.. My mom has been the sole reason for where I stand today.. She has made many sacrifices to raise me up and ensure I've had the best of lifestyle and education.. And there are not enough 'Mother's days' for me to thank her for all that she has done for me.. I'm grateful for all that she has done for me.. And I hope that some day she is proud of me and my achievements.. Today I'm also thankful for the gift of my daughter who made me a 'mother'.. Mothers all over will agree when I say that there is no relationship as beautiful as the one shared between a mother and her child.. Once a mother, always a mother.. So here's wishing mothers all over a Happy mothers day.. May u continue to love, nurture and support your children and mould them into wonderful human beings..

Paraphrasing a forward I read today on 'Mother's day'..
Thinking of you:
-->Mothers who have lost children
--> Those who have lost mothers
--> Those with strained mother relationships
--> Mothers with strained child relationships
--> Those who have chosen not to be mothers
--> Those yearning to be mothers

Remembering you all today and wishing you all a happy Mothers day..


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