The confessions of a lady driver

Forgive the tacky caption.. The 'creative' me is in hibernation hence I'm making do with bland, insipid titles.. Hoping that people reading this don't find the post dull and boring..

So coming to the topic.. 'Female drivers'.. Not wanting to sound sexist but it's a universally accepted fact that females are not as accomplished as their male counterparts when it comes to driving.. I take offence to that.. Not because I'm an accomplished driver but because many of my female friends are.. In fact some of them can give F1 race drivers a run for their money.. Conversely I also know several guys who don't know to drive.. Guess the universe has a way of balancing the scales..

So let's talk my adventures behind the wheel.. Well, I learnt to drive after I got married.. It was more of an 'I'm-an-independent-woman.. I-don't-need-anyone' phase that made me want to enroll for driving classes.. I goofed up the driving test but managed to get the driver's license.. And thus began my driving career.. I've burnt my fingers.. As in I had to pay people (3 people - to be precise..) for the damage my driving had caused.. So since then I've been extremely careful on the road.. I never exceed the speed limit.. In fact I think someone who's an ace at brisk walking can easily overtake me.. Yes I'm exaggerating, but I'm sure you have a fair idea of what I mean..

So apart from this I've had fiascos off the road.. There was this one instance where I parked my car very close to another.. And the guy couldn't open the car door to get into the driver's seat of his car.. So much was the anger that the guy left a note on my windshield which said something like "How do I get into the car when you've parked yours so close to mine? Who taught you to park, Einstein??".. I've been a good student all throughout my acedemic life getting fairly good grades.. But never have my parents compared me to any renowned scientist.. It took rash parking style to get someone to call me Einstein.. Yes people! he was being sarcastic.. Einstein I'm guessing was an ace at parallel parking and could drive with one hand while solving complex mathematical equations with the other.. Anyway, the sarcasm hurt.. And now I know how others feel when I'm 'being me'..

Recently another embarrassing incident occurred when I was trying to unlock a car that wasn't mine but I was totally convinced that it was.. I usually park my car at the same spot in the parking lot.. But one day I parked my car somewhere else since my spot was occupied.. However I forgot this and when I got to the parking lot that evening I mistook the car at my regular parking spot to be mine and tried unlocking it but to no avail.. After many failed attempts I called the guys managing the parking lot and told them that I'm unable to unlock my car.. After that I called my husband and told him that for some reason the car isn't unlocking and asked him to hurry up and come to the parking lot.. Only when I peered into the car and noticed the music system in the car did I realise that the car wasn't mine.. I found my car parked elsewhere, unlocked it successfully and drove away giving a sheepish grin to the managers of the parking lot who I'm sure had a field day laughing at me..

So while driving back home today I remembered all these amusing instances and was smiling to myself when I was jolted to reality by the incessant honking by some guy behind me.. To all those reading this post, let me give you an insight about my driving style.. You honking endlessly is not going to make me drive faster.. Instead I will move my foot from the accelerator to the brake and slow down just to annoy you.. Because it's fun watching you in the rear view mirror, gesturing at me.. It's more fun to be able to lip read what you're saying.. Lol..


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