Happy Children's Day.. :-)

Today on the occasion of Children's day, we dressed up our daughter as Mother Theresa as she had to be dressed as a global personality.. Boy was she thrilled.. There's nothing more beautiful than to see your kid beaming.. Just like my daughter was today.. And she went to school so happily today.. It brought back memories of 'Children's day' celebration when I was kid..

Children's day was the most awaited occasion in the life of an 80s' kid.. The most exciting thing about childrens day was that we got to wear 'colour dress' or what my daughter's teachers today refer to as 'Casual wear'.. So the run up to Children's day was spent in deciding which outfit to wear.. Because it was the only day in the academic year that we got to wear something other than our dreaded uniforms.. And the day was spent in the auditorium, watching some class put up a programme that was more entertaining than some of the award winning series on Netflix today.. God! I miss being a kid..

Last year on the occasion of Children's day or probably the year before, Facebook and Insta were filled with people sharing their childhood pics with the hashtag 'throwback/childhood memories'.. This year I didn't see any such (silly) posts.. Thankfully! But I did see one poignant message shared by a friend on Facebook.. It said something like:

3 Things to learn from A CHILD-

1st- To Be Happy For No Reason.
2nd- To Be Always Busy Doing Something.
3rd- To Let Go Of Ego.

It reminded me of my daughter.. She possesses all the above qualities.. And I realised how adulthood changes us.. We're constantly on the quest for happiness.. But we rarely find it.. Guess it's because we're looking for a reason to be happy.. And unlike children we have no clue as to how to keep ourselves fully engaged or occupied and that's why we have so much time and energy for negativity.. And of course.. Our egos.. The less said the better..

Today I realised that maybe it's okay to let out the child inside.. Of course this doesn't mean doing ('childish'.. Don't miss the irony here!) things like throwing a fit when your friends meet up without you.. We've established in my earlier post that people are self centred and selfish and don't care about your feelings.. So just let go.. Like a child move on to the next phase/activity in your life.. This Children's day, let's make a conscious effort to change ourselves and never forget the child inside us.. Kyunki.. dil to baccha hai Ji..:-)



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