What if I died...

I don't usually have such morbid thoughts.. But off late I'm just wondering what if I die suddenly.. Would I missed? Would people mourn my loss? The only worry is I wouldn't be around to see how many people actually are mourning my death..

So here's how I'd want it to be.. I'm hoping I die a sudden death.. not after battling years of some terminal illness that leaves me bald and frail and thin.. I wanna go quickly.. no pain.. no fuss.. just an instant death.. I would want many people to attend my funeral.. I'm hoping there is a lovely choir to sing at my funeral.. Since nothing makes me more happy than listening to some good music.. I want my organs to be donated if they are viable.. I'm not sure how helpful my eyes would be but I would like to donate them too.. And I want to be buried and not cremated

Im sure my parents would be heartbroken but I wouldn't want them to mourn..I would want them and my immediate family (my husband, Nikki, My inlaws and my extended family) to know that I'm at peace.. I've had a good life being their daughter, wife, mother, sister in law and I have left the world with no regrets.. I would want my friends to feel sad.. yes.. definitely.. but more importantly I would want to be remembered on my birthday.. hope my friends meet up on my birthday every year.. say a small prayer for me.. and reminiscence about me.. the brat that I was.. how I could pick up fights for the flimsiest of excuses.. how my mood was as unpredictable as Bangalore weather.. how I could pass the wittiest of comments.. of how no one can fill the void I've left behind.. And finally to all the people I've known for a day, a week, a month or years I would want to be known and remembered as a nice person.. Of course we all know that no one speaks ill of the dead.. Only in my case I hope that the commemts made are genuine..

finally I would want the following words inscribed on my grave stone.. "Here lies the grave of Sharon.. who came, saw and conquered the hearts of everyone she knew".. Too dramatic???? Well, what's life without a touch of drama to it???;-)


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