The most important person in my life.. ;-)

There's no points for guessing this one.. It is none other than.... my maid.. True to her name she has brought wealth into our lives.. Lakshmi is our lifeline.. She's my daughter's playmate and friend.. she's plays several roles.. maid.. playmate.. singer.. friend.. u name it and Lakshmi can do it.. we're so dependent on her that giving her leave to visit her hometown is such an issue.. She doesnt believe in Casual leave of a day or two.. in her case its straightway Privileged leave of 15 to 20 days.. and its on those days that all of us miss her the most.. the house is silent.. You see, Lakshmi has never heard the thought "Silence is golden".. She talks in a loud voice.. I mean "loud" the entire neighbourhood can hear her conversations on the phone..And some of her pronounciatians are just hilarious..Its also very amusing to hear her sing "Tera pyaar pyaar pyaar.. hookah bar" while feeding my daughter.. God! It makes me cringe everytime I hear her shrill high pitched voice go "Tera pyaar pyaar pyaar hookah bar".. it makes me wanna kill Himesh Reshamiya.. And she's my only critic.. she won't miss the opportunity to crib about how a particular dish is salty or not cooked right..Hell! Even my husband doesn't crib about my cooking fiascos.. but not Lakshmi.. she can pass comments that would put the hosts of MasterChef US to shame.. Lakshmi is also has OCD I guess.. she cant stand the sight of a single vessel in the sink.. She'll quickly wash off any utensil she finds in the sink.. Its a very good thing considering the fact that once I'm done with cooking, my kitchen looks like it got hit by a hurricane.. but when I come back home in the evening the kitchen is spick and span.. Lakshmi also has a weakness.. Kannada movies.. Suppose a movie is going on she'll forget everything around.. I'm not exaggerating if I say that the house could be on fire but Lakshmi wouldn't notice because she would be busy shedding tears because the hero's house caught fire!! Yeah she cries when the heroine cries.. And she curses the villain when he attempts to kill the hero.. and yes I'm rofl when all this is happening!

So even though there are so many things that I find annoying about her, she's defintely an asset in our household..The fact us we cant do without her.. I get a lot of flak for not being a good mother.. My little one's lucky to have Lakshmi, because frankly I dont have the patience to handle my daughter who's growing to be like Arnab I-scream-on-top-of-my-lungs-to-make-my-point Goswami.. Its like having a teenager in the house And to think that she's just 2 and half years old. My little one's misbehaviour is the topic for another post.. this one's dedicated to Lakshmi.. without whom we would all be lost..


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