
Showing posts from 2013

Book Review: I too had a love story - Ravinder Singh

Just finished a novel by my current favourite author David Baldacci. So was looking for some light reading when I happened to read a review of ''I too had a lovr story''.. Well.. now I wish I could get my hands around the person's neck.. the one who wrote the review.. And apparently it's a 'bestseller'.. Seriously! U need to re define the word 'Bestseller'.. Coming to the book in question... The author tries to do a Chetan Bhagat, when he starts off his book with re union chapter of 4 college friends presently working in different corners of the country.. And suddenly the protagonist decides to get a profile on a matrimonial site.. through this he gets in touch with a girl.. and the story revolves around how they fall in love.. their endless talks on the phone.. how he becomes her 'Shona'... (yawn).. through the story spanning 202 pages they meet just twice.. can u beat that?? Ok..and let me clarify.. they fall in love without seeing ...

To my Baby Doll, on your 2nd birthday..

Dear Nikki, On your 2nd birthday I want you to know that I feel very lucky to have you in my life.. I remember the day when I first saw you.. It was love at first sight for me.. I had this little baby.. MY baby.. to love, to nurture and to care for.. You have made me feel a kind of love that I never knew existed..There are no words, no poetry in this world to describe how much I love you.. You're my sweetie pie.. You're such fun to be with.. your imitations of me and your Dada.. Your hearty laughter.. Your mischief.. Your tantrums that drive me up the wall.. Your beatiful eyes.. Just YOU.. As you enter a new year of your life, I wish you all happiness in the world.. As your mother, I hope to protect you from every hurt, pain and sorrow.. But I know it's not possible.. So my only wish for you on your Birthday and for the rest of your life is, Every time you fall, may God give you sufficient strength to stand up and take a step forward.. For every person who hurts you,...

So how 'safe' are we anyway?

In the wake of the recent rape of a photojournalist in Mumbai the nation is 'outraged' as they were when the Delhi incident happened in December 2012.. Protests are happening all over as they did happen post the Delhi rape incident... Debates are happening on several news channels as they did during the Delhi incident... 6 months from now everyone will forget the Mumbai incident and move on with their lives as they did with the Delhi incident... I'm saying 'incident' because I have become immune to this routine.. Yes! Rape is routine today.. There is not a single day that goes by without the newspaper or other media reporting crimes against women..Our capital city is referred to as the 'Rape Capital'...And there is nothing I or anybody can do... Nothing! Why?? Well, because we're the weaker sex...Because if a girl is molested it was SHE who provoked the man to do so...If a girl was raped she deserved it... If a girl was raped and brutally assaulted ...

I'm totally in shape.. Round 'is' a shape!

So I went to the parlour today.. I'm not that regular with the parlour visits simply because a job and a baby don't leave you with much time for yourself.. not that I regret it.. :-) I'm totally enjoying motherhood and it's perks.. I'm sure all my girl friends who've recently acquired motherhood status would agree with me when I say that the perks of motherhood totally outweigh all the pain and suffering we went through to get there.. Anyway,at the parlour the beautician tried to stike up a conversation with me.. I wouldn't call myself the talkative kinds.. I'm totally comfortable with silence and prefer it on most occasions especially in the company of acqauintances and strangers.. But my beautician friend here was on a drive to get to know people better.. She asked me my name.. Where I stay and all that.. and then came the googly when she asked me "Why do you wear specs?".. It was more of a bouncer.. heh heh.. Frankly I don't know anyb...


This blog is for a certain friend who's the most loyal to my blogs.. this one's for you Babe! Reserve your most flattering comments for this.. lol.. So I'm trying to catch an auto.. And even though I expected that I would have to talk to atleast 10 auto drivers before finally finding someone who would agree to take me to my destination it finally got on my nerves when I saw how these auto drivers are holding our city ransom.. Grr!! I'm silently cursing myself for not having followed my usual routine of having driven half way and then taking the metro when finally an auto driver agreed to take me to my destination for 10 bucks extra on the meter charge.. I was fed up of haggling with these breed of specimens I just grudgingly agreed to his demand and got in.. 2 minutes into the ride and I wondered if I committed a mistake getting into this auto. The driver told me in detail what route he would be taking and approximately how long it would take to reach my destinat...

You know you're a mom when....

....There are toys all over the house, more laundry than ever imagined and dishes piled in the sink because you’re too tired to do anything else after a long day of keeping up with your kid. ....The plural 'we' becomes part of your vocabulary.. it's no longer just 'I' anymore and no more 'I' for the next several years to come. ....Your child looks better than you do while walking out of the house cause by the time you got around to dressing yourself up you had just minutes to do so before leaving your home. ....You eat half chewed food that fell out of your toddler’s mouth because you have nowhere to put it. ....When you consider a Tshirt with only one baby-related stain on it wearable. ....When you get puked and pee’d on with in minutes of each other and don’t even mind that much. ....when you can have a heavy lunch minutes after changing LO's diaper. ....You know you’re a mom when you don’t give parents with a fussy kid in public the s...