You know you're a mom when....

....There are toys all over the house, more laundry than ever imagined and dishes piled in the sink because you’re too tired to do anything else after a long day of keeping up with your kid.

....The plural 'we' becomes part of your vocabulary.. it's no longer just 'I' anymore and no more 'I' for the next several years to come.

....Your child looks better than you do while walking out of the house cause by the time you got around to dressing yourself up you had just minutes to do so before leaving your home.

....You eat half chewed food that fell out of your toddler’s mouth because you have nowhere to put it.

....When you consider a Tshirt with only one baby-related stain on it wearable.

....When you get puked and pee’d on with in minutes of each other and don’t even mind that much.

....when you can have a heavy lunch minutes after changing LO's diaper.

....You know you’re a mom when you don’t give parents with a fussy kid in public the stink eye anymore. Instead you give them a I-know-your-pain kind of look. never get to see the end of a serial/soap.

....your house resembles a day care centre with toys strewn all over the place and food crumbs on your sofa.

....When you refer to your husband as "daddy" ;)

....when you think back to the stupid things YOU did as a child/teen/young adult and wonder how your parents lived through it.

And finally you know you're a mom when every time you see a baby about your kid’s age you smile :)


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