To my Baby Doll, on your 2nd birthday..

Dear Nikki,

On your 2nd birthday I want you to know that I feel very lucky to have you in my life.. I remember the day when I first saw you.. It was love at first sight for me.. I had this little baby.. MY baby.. to love, to nurture and to care for.. You have made me feel a kind of love that I never knew existed..There are no words, no poetry in this world to describe how much I love you.. You're my sweetie pie.. You're such fun to be with.. your imitations of me and your Dada.. Your hearty laughter.. Your mischief.. Your tantrums that drive me up the wall.. Your beatiful eyes.. Just YOU..

As you enter a new year of your life, I wish you all happiness in the world.. As your mother, I hope to protect you from every hurt, pain and sorrow.. But I know it's not possible.. So my only wish for you on your Birthday and for the rest of your life is, Every time you fall, may God give you sufficient strength to stand up and take a step forward.. For every person who hurts you, may you find ten people who make you realise what a wonderful person you are.. And may you always have this at the back of your mind.. That life, though very hard at times, is worth living.. I hope you learn to enjoy life and live it to it's fullest extent..May all your dreams come true.. May you achieve all that you aspire for.. And if ever you feel you're alone, just look back and you'll always find me there..

Happy HAPPY birthday Baby doll.. wishing you all the happiness that your love brings to me..

Love, Mama.. ;-)


  1. Many Many Happy Returns of the day Nikki Baby!! God bless you... May you have best in life,,, God bless u... Love u aunty Sonu


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