
This blog is for a certain friend who's the most loyal to my blogs.. this one's for you Babe! Reserve your most flattering comments for this.. lol..

So I'm trying to catch an auto.. And even though I expected that I would have to talk to atleast 10 auto drivers before finally finding someone who would agree to take me to my destination it finally got on my nerves when I saw how these auto drivers are holding our city ransom.. Grr!! I'm silently cursing myself for not having followed my usual routine of having driven half way and then taking the metro when finally an auto driver agreed to take me to my destination for 10 bucks extra on the meter charge.. I was fed up of haggling with these breed of specimens I just grudgingly agreed to his demand and got in.. 2 minutes into the ride and I wondered if I committed a mistake getting into this auto.

The driver told me in detail what route he would be taking and approximately how long it would take to reach my destination.. for one moment I wondered if he had been a flight attendant in his previous birth! Anyway he told me he was giving me this info because he was going to plug in his earphones and listen to the radio.. Like I was dying to have a conversation with this cartoon!

I was seething with rage cursing all the auto drivers in the city..There is not a single place on the map of Bangalore that these people will be willing to take you! Koramangala? No! Commercial street? No! Banaswadi? No! How in the world do you make your living dude??? When I first came to Bangalore and I saw the attitude of these drivers I was convinced that they definitely had other sources of income and drove around autos just for the heck of it!

Anyway, wanting to take my mind off this I plugged in my earphones and turned on the radio on my phone when I noticed the cartoon was singing on top of his lungs..he was definitely trying to get my attention.. talk about cheap thrills! Anyway I totally ignored him.. so his plan B was to try racing with a BMTC bus..Wow! David vs Goliath.. these BMTC drivers will not think twice before running over someone and cartoon here was hell bent on showing me a preview of "The fast and the furious" on our Indian roads!! I was holding on to the edge of my seat when cartoon looked into the mirror to check my reaction.. again I totally ignored him.. I didn't want him to have the satisfaction of getting a reaction from me so I just sat there with a blank expression..

Finally we were drawing close to my home.. there are a lot of twists and turns to be taken to the route to my home.. and dear cartoon was getting a bit annoyed with "take a left here".. "then take a right there".. I was silently feeling pleased with myself that I managed to spoil his happy-go-lucky act.. while paying him the fare he said "Thank you madam and you're welcome again".. Thanks but, no thanks.. I've had enough of cartoons like you..

And then I thought to myself..maybe I take my myself too seriously.. how I brood for days about some mean joke someone made about me.. or how I was not appreciated at work even though I felt I deserved it.. life is too short and it wont hurt much to be like the cartoon I met today.. who looked like he didn't have much but was very contented with the little he had.. Cheers to you Cartoon.. hope u find joy in your job and hope some of that happy feeling rubs off on all the people who get into that auto of yours.. :-)


  1. Nice but wud u mind updating ur profile pic nd dont frget to say cheese..


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