I'm totally in shape.. Round 'is' a shape!

So I went to the parlour today.. I'm not that regular with the parlour visits simply because a job and a baby don't leave you with much time for yourself.. not that I regret it.. :-) I'm totally enjoying motherhood and it's perks.. I'm sure all my girl friends who've recently acquired motherhood status would agree with me when I say that the perks of motherhood totally outweigh all the pain and suffering we went through to get there.. Anyway,at the parlour the beautician tried to stike up a conversation with me.. I wouldn't call myself the talkative kinds.. I'm totally comfortable with silence and prefer it on most occasions especially in the company of acqauintances and strangers.. But my beautician friend here was on a drive to get to know people better..

She asked me my name.. Where I stay and all that.. and then came the googly when she asked me "Why do you wear specs?".. It was more of a bouncer.. heh heh.. Frankly I don't know anybody who wears specs to make a fashion statement although a recent write up by Shobha De says that spectacles are back in fashion although they are no longer called spectacles but "eyewear".. Coming to her question about my specs, when someone asks me a silly question I usually reply with a wise ass comment but this time I didn't want to waste my sarcasm on someone on whom the effect would be totally lost.. so I politely replied "for short sight"..I usually wear contacts most of the time.. I have very small eyes (one more thing this beautician noticed!) And so I feel wearing spectacles makes them invisible.. also contacts have improved my vision and it's just one of those vanities I allow myself.. lol..

So while waiting for my face pack to dry, my mind wandered for a bit..The recent Dabur honey ad came to my mind where Bipasha Basu asks her boyfriend if he would still love her if she became fat.. OMG!!! And the naive me thought that true love lasts forever.. Well, apparently not in bollywood atleast.. And then all the comments about my weight came to my mind... mostly from colleagues who knew me before marriage and are seeing me now.. and there's not a single day that goes by without some totally uncalled for comment is made about my weight.. on most days I dont mind it.. because men have no idea what being pregnant is like.. And the women who make these comments are probably not aware that they are not hot chicks or they choose to ignore this bitter truth..;-) I, on the other hand can look 'hot' on any given day.. Only I choose not to.. I'm a wife and a mother.. not a model.. I'm totally comfortable with how I look..So I don't see how my increasing waistline is your problem..and so while others are discussing my appearance and my weight usually dont respond..It annoys someone enough who goes on to say "Oh she doesnt care about what people say." Well you're right sweetie.. I don't realy care about what you say because I dont wake up every morning thinking that I have to impress you.. my concerns are more complicated like what to make for breakfast, how can I finish cooking fast enough so I get to spend some time with my baby doll before leaving for office, and if my baby's not well I hope I can take a day off to be with her.. Those are my concerns.. What I will wear to office today and whether or not people will like my clothes is the least of my concerns..

Of course that doesn't mean I disapprove of the "dressing up" thingy..I admire people who're well dressed.. Also the slim and trim types.. but I dont aspire to be like them.. fashion is as much as about being dressed well as it about being comfortable with what you wear..And I AM comfortable with what I wear.. So it's ok if people think I dont have fashion sense.. I dont want to be known as the fashionable one.. I want people to appreciate me for my talent and for my hard work.. I want to be referred as the funny one with a superb sense of humour.. I want to be known as a good wife,a super mom, a nice person, an excellent human being.. because these are virtues that stay with you forever.. not your looks..

My time is up and I take out my card to pay the bill.. the beautician looks at my photo in my card and says "Oh you were so thin before".. And I groan.. will I never get to hear the end of this?????


  1. Superb!! Round is a shape... Anywae others will understand but i do :p

    Keep writing!!

    Love, Sonu


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