Book Review: I too had a love story - Ravinder Singh

Just finished a novel by my current favourite author David Baldacci. So was looking for some light reading when I happened to read a review of ''I too had a lovr story''.. Well.. now I wish I could get my hands around the person's neck.. the one who wrote the review.. And apparently it's a 'bestseller'.. Seriously! U need to re define the word 'Bestseller'..

Coming to the book in question... The author tries to do a Chetan Bhagat, when he starts off his book with re union chapter of 4 college friends presently working in different corners of the country.. And suddenly the protagonist decides to get a profile on a matrimonial site.. through this he gets in touch with a girl.. and the story revolves around how they fall in love.. their endless talks on the phone.. how he becomes her 'Shona'... (yawn).. through the story spanning 202 pages they meet just twice.. can u beat that?? Ok..and let me clarify.. they fall in love without seeing each other.. Jeez!!! Well I dont want to spoil the fun for those of you who DO want to read this book.. so lets stop it here.. But may I add that I'm throughly disappointed..

So I guess now you want to know why I read this book in the first place.. Well, it's thanks to a certain Mr. Narayan Murthy who vouched for this book, calling it a heart touching story.. Sir, which book were you referring to when you said this? Frankly I think "Dollar Bahu" penned by your better half was a much better book than this..

Dear Mr. Ravinder Singh.. apparently this book is based on your life.. You're grieving for the loss of your love.. I get it dude.. but my suggestion to you is, start blogging.. it helps a lot.. you'll get a lot more attention this way.. Trust me.. Been there, done that.. ;-).. and itll save the rest of us from such boring 'bestsellers'..

I miss you David Baldacci.. I promise I will never stray away again from you.. ;-)


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