To all those people who were eagerly waiting for my next blog, and to Gundu who suggested I write on the topic.. :)

I never knew it was mothers day until I saw some forwards on my phone asking me to thank my mother for giving birth to me or something to that effect.. It was a Sunday n I had just woken up and was lolling in bed when my mom called so i wished her Happy Mother's Day.. She was slightly surprised.. I'm sure she too wasn't aware that it was HER day..;) anyway we chatted for a while and i hung up promising to call her in the evening..

Was still pondering over Mother's day when i read a column my Shobhaa De`, who was of the opinion that Mother's day is just an opportunity for Card Sellers to cash in on the occasion, until her kids made her feel super special, n thats when she kind of changed her opinion about Mother's Day..

I was thinking of how much we take for granted our mothers.. I, especially take it as my birth right to be loved, pampered and made much of.. so what if she has spent sleepless nights when I have been sick, so what if she has secretly shed tears when she couldn't see me disappointed about some setback I had faced, so what if she bought me that dress I saw at an exhibition with the money she had been saving up for a rainy day, So what if she takes care to make my favourite dishes when I go home to Mangalore? She's my mom, I'm the only daughter she has.. N besides mothers are there just for this purpose..

My mom and me share a very special relationship.. My mom has always been upfront and very straight forward with me.. She's taught me honesty, and hardwork.. She's taught me to believe in myself.. My mom's a very good listener.. She has taught me the value of Listening - of listening with the intention of lending a ear, and not with the intention of preaching or providing free advice.. Alot of my friends say they admire me for my honesty/straight forwardness, for my patient listening. they say I'm a fine person.. and I owe it all to my mom..:)

Of course it hasn't always been a bed of roses.. we do have our differences of opinion.. and yes I have faced that stage where I have questioned everything my mom has said with "why?" and she would retort "because I said so!".. Cant tell u what a mad rage it drove me into.. And we've had our share of shouting matches.. We have crossed all this and from just Mother - Daughter we have graduated to being Friends.. my mom is my Bestest Friend.. I know there's no word like 'bestest' ;)And She has built up the trust in me, and told me never to be afraid to tell her anything.. and so I can tell her about anything, be it my fears about my impending marriage, or my goof ups at work, or my endless sessions of washing clothes.. I can tell her just about anything under the sun.. And she will listen to me patiently, never for a single moment judging me for something wrong that I did.. Now that I'm working away from home, its only the phone calls that keep us connected..But I make sure my mom and me catch up atleast one movie together when I go home to Mangalore :)It helps us bond well and its like 3 hours together.. feels very good..:)

Mother Theresa said " give until it hurts, because real love hurts".. The only person who comes to my mind every time I read this line is my mom.. She has just given and given and only given, never for once expecting anything in return.. I always think I should be like my mom, but now I have realized that there can never be someone like her.. Mummy you're the best, and I'm lucky to have you around..:) Happy Mother's Day.. You Rock! :)


  1. Very very true.She is the finest woman i have known.Long ago i used sing a song the lyrics used to go as-you can always get another wife but you can never get another mother in your life.Years down the line the lyrics have changed-you can always get another woman but you can never get a better wife or another mother in your life......


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