I'm only human ....

I guess my roomie is in a terrible mood today.. She was just venting her feelings of frustration and exclaimed that everyone is selfish including me.. Well u cannot imagine how offended i was when i heard that and when someone says something that hurts me i go off into the sulk mode, where i spend hours in silence, brooding over what that 'someone' said, and it can take from hours to days for me to come out of sulk world..

And whenever someone says something in direct reference to me, i go into deep thought as to what made that person say what he/she did about me.. And so we have our topic for today - "Selfishness"..

I guess I am selfish and so is everyone else.. Maybe the degree of selfishness differs but the universal truth is that everyone is selfish.. So why are we offended when we see behavior from others that we would like to put a label on and call it Selfish! and when we do the same to others its totally justified is it??

Selfishness i guess means self centredness where people think only about themselves.. Well take a look at my blogs, they all center about my life and my views on various aspects.. Will u brand me as selfish coz my blogs speak only about me? Well, I'm basically a reserved person, and in most cases i never move out of my comfort zone.. I'm helpful to an extent, but you will never see me go out of my way to help out someone.. and if i do go out of my way to help someone, either that person means a lot to me, or i'm just returning a favour.. I may be branded as selfish, but it works well for me.. I think selfishness is ok as long as you're not hurting the person next to you.. And within certain limits selfishness is good.. There's nothin wrong in thinking about yourself and wanting to have the best for yourself. It sort of makes you ambitious and ambition is good for life.. gives u a reason to live for, to give it your best shot, and to try to be the best that there is..:)

So after a few hours of brooding i have come to the conclusion that selfishness is OK.. Besides I am always in the quest of trying to improve myself as a person and I should be given the credit for that..Because whatever said and done, I'm only human.......


  1. I totally agree gal... like i say who says i don love anyboby ... i love MYSELF:-) so its time stop botheirng bout the whole cirlce of life funda... Share you love and all that Jazz...
    As long as you justifications are accepted by you...well who cares wht the world opines bout you...
    Grt going gal
    AS ever Love,

  2. I totally agree gal... like i say who says i don love anyboby ... i love MYSELF:-) so its time stop botheirng bout the whole cirlce of life funda... Share you love and all that Jazz...
    As long as you justifications are accepted by you...well who cares wht the world opines bout you...
    Grt going gal
    AS ever Love,

  3. I totally agree gal... like i say who says i don love anyboby ... i love MYSELF:-) so its time stop botheirng bout the whole cirlce of life funda... Share you love and all that Jazz...
    As long as you justifications are accepted by you...well who cares wht the world opines bout you...
    Grt going gal
    AS ever Love,


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