The crash that crushed the lives of so many..

They say, trying to be nice is like being a goal keeper, no matter how good a goal keeper you are, you will always be remembered for the one you miss..

Was shocked with the news of the AI express Crash at Bajpe Airport, Mangalore.. 158 passengers killed, bodies charred beyond recognition, families fighting over bodies, 22 bodies yet to be identified.. Too much to digest? For me it is... And while families are still trying to cope up with their loss, news channels are speculating as to what may have caused the crash.. Pilot error, pilot fatigue.. these reasons are what top the list..

Newspapers are streaming with reports about the crash and its aftermath.. And a line that caught my eye was "After a crash if the pilot survives, nail him.. If not then blame him".. This line made me feel sick the moment i read it.. As if it is not enough for the family members of the pilots,to have lost their son/husband, that they have to put up with speculations like pilot error, pilot fatigue to be the cause of the crash..

Why is everyone talking about pilot error, and have totally ignored other facts.. That maybe the infrastructure at the Bajpe airport is not safe and an accident like this was just waiting to happen.. That maybe the lack of an Approach Radar, may have prompted the pilot error since the pilots on board had no choice but to use their own judgment to make a landing? All these facts conveniently forgotten everyone is blaming the pilots for the crash.. We all respect the dead by not saying anything bad about them.. so don't these pilots deserve the dignity that we reserve for the deceased from our families? Forget the dignity.. Lets concentrate on facts like both pilots have a lot of expeince both in terms of flying airplanes and making landings at Bajpe airport..

The cause maybe anything.. If you are probing to find out the cause so that suitable measures be taken to avoid such accidents in future, then the same is justified.. But then probing into these will not bring back the does it matter to a father, who lost his daughter in the crash as to whether it was the pilot's mistake or inadequate infrastructure? His daughter is gone.. Forever!

Let the dead go with some dignity.. My heart goes out to the many who lost their loved ones.. May God give them the strength to cope with this loss.. May the souls of those who lost their lives in the AI express crash, rest in peace..


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