Social Networkin Sites: Good or Bad

Social Networking sites are a rage these has crossed all age barriers and u have the young, the old, kids- well just about anybody and everybody on these networking sites i wouldn't call myself "Tech Savvy" but i like to stay with the times, so i jumped the bandwagon and became a member of 2 of these Social Networkin sites..

Well first let me get to the 'good' part.. its a great concept.. u can keep in touch with millions of friends whom u've never met once u've passed out of school or college.. its one of the cheapest forms of communication.. almost everyone has a net connection these days so its easy being in touch with the ppl around.. so on the whole it serves the purpose.. to stay in touch with the people..

time to play 'turncoat'.. heh heh.. while i agree its a great concept, i feel that its become more of a status symbol to be on these sites. everyone's just trying to have a great number of ppl on their friend list.. i get friend requests from random ppl, whom i've never heard of and are not even friends of my friends..

and i feel slowly these sites are losing focus.. instead of being in touch with others people prefer engaging themselves in games/quizzes that are part of these networkin sites.. a college friend of mine recently posted on her 'wall' saying she has only gangsters and farmers as her friends..i hope u got what she meant..

and lets be honest ppl, how many of us actually are in touch with our 'friends' through these sites? .. i for one am not.. i have 200 plus friends on both these sites and am in touch with hardly 10 of those 200 on my friend list.. and these 10 would be my closest friends, whom i meet on a daily basis or my closest friends from school or college, or those friends whom i'm in touch through sms or calls..

these sites have made us forget the essence of privacy.. ppl are so happy in fact over enthusiastic to share with the world abt wat they're upto.. although i couldnt care.. wat difference does it make if someone watched a movie, had a hair cut or high scored on some online game? GeeZ! watever happened to privacy..

Well i've said more bad than good... but we have got to realise that a thing is good until it is used in moderation.. Social Networking sites are the best things that could have happened to a generation thats so hip and happening.. but this generation also needs to realise how much is too much and where to draw the line.. Mr Tharoor, hope ur reading this.. ;)


  1. curiosity to know about other people's lives and selfexpression drive millions of people to these sites.Research done by Macquarie university doctoral student Lucy Miller found four key motivating factors influencing users.These were curiosity about the lives of others,social engagement,a desire to increase social capital and status,and self-expression.Users driven to curiosity were less likely to contribute much in the way of content.Similarly,others had a need to express themselves and would not be as active in seeking friends,instead feeling more satisfied that the site allowed them to be creative and reduce their anxieties.Yet some built social capital and status through the large network of friends they established.Now which category do you belong?


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