Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

A male friend of mine keeps asking me this question "How do u girls find time to do ur make up, apply nail polish, wear colour co ordinated accessories?".. and i always give him this very amused look and just say to him "Its called Multi tasking-something u guys cant really comprehend"

It is true.. girls/women are aces at multi tasking.. I've seen my mom cook, supervise my brother's studies and listen to my endless stories all at the same time.. and all this while my dad would jus be watchin a cricket match.. so its simple.. its not like we spend hours gettin dressed or anythin.. in the time that we are gettin dressed we wouldve finished catchin up on the latest gossip, made plans for the coming weekend and also have decided our strategy to deal wit a nosy colleague- all this while applying nail polish or make up..

The reason for this multi tasking is that we girls/women by nature are stingy.. we dont wanna let anything go waste, especially not time.. so in the time that men accomplish one task we would ve accomplised several and already decided what our next mission would be ..

so here's a friendly advise to the men.. dont get intimidated by what women can do.. we may be complicated, hard tp please.. but we're here to stay and we both cant do without each other.. :)

This is why they say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.. ;)


  1. Men and women are built the way they are so as to complement each other, not compete. Nature intended it to be that way. Together they complete one another and there's nothing more beautiful than that perfect symphony.

  2. During the women's liberation moment,twenty million women rose to their feet with the cry "we will not be dictated to" and promptly became stenographers..... And the langauge we speak is called the mother tongue because father seldom gets a chance to use it!!!

  3. i know men who spend houuuuurs on mirror to check their hair :D


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