A popular channel is telecasting a prog wherein a person is helped, to find out the reason for his/her problems by going into his/her past life through hypnosis. i was told about the concept of the programme by a colleague. even though i hadnt watched the programme just the description of the programme sent shivers down my spine.. although when i actually watched the programme i was bitterly disappointed. the programme was exactly how she described.. the person being taken back into his past to try and locate that particular instant in his life that left a lasting impact on the person.. The plot till here is ok.. but i just dont seem to understand how an incident can have a lasting impact so deep that it penetrates through the future births of the person too.. a little over the top i should say..

The concept of re birth has been debated over the years.. a lot of research too has gone into this field.. and a whole lot of people can vouch for the fact that sucha thing does exist.. i respect their views/opnions.. but personally i dont think such a thing as re birth exists.. and it is for the same reason that i dont believe the concept on which the programme in question is based upon.. that the problems/difficulties we face right now is because of some incident fron our past life...

i feel it is our experiences that make us what we are.. it is the decision that we take today that actually decides what our tomorrow will be.. why am i scared of crows? or why i cant build good relations with the opposite sex cannot be determined by helping me go into my past.. if i cant build harmonious relations with ppl from the opposite sex, it has to be because of how i am brought up? did my parents object to my talkin to guys right from my childhood? did they beat me up coz i spoke to guys? these are the experiences that would have made me change my atttitude and decide that i should stay away from guys..

all the good or bad that we are entitled to receive will be given to us in this life itself... there is no carry over system, where if i do good today then i would be rewarded in my next birth.. if that were the case no one would be born pooor, or without limbs, or without parents.. because humans by far are good creatures born with the basic intention to do good.. Again while i still respect other ppl's belief and faith in re birth, i feel that our heaven and hell is here on earth.. everytime u do good and someone appreciates it u have received ur heaven.. everytime u try to do bad for someone and u feel guilty for days, u cant sleep or eat properly - that is ur hell..

the law of balances is settled here, while we are still living on earth... so be good and do good.. :)


  1. Good start.keep it coming with regular intensity.regarding rebirth,am wondering where charles darwin is these days,would love to hear his ideas on rebirth...

  2. Liked your thoughts.. very practical and thats the way we should look at things... keep it going girl!!

  3. Difficult to say. Commonsense tells me that there is nothing like rebirth or after life, yet there have been instances of wierd happenings which have been recorded in history which say otherwise. Again sometimes each one of us experiences that feeling of Deja'vu, which somehow connects to a past incident or life. So many questions, but an interesting subject to research on.

  4. I had posted a comment yesterday. The message receivied after posting was ''will be published after approval''...........Has not yeat appeared ..Suraj


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