My first blog

this is my first blog.. well there's a reason why i selected 'Zindagi Rocks' as my profile name.. some years back i watched a movie bearing the same title starring Sushmita Sen.. she plays the role of a singer..her character is that of a woman who lives life on her own terms, lives life to its fullest and has no regrets.. well her character in the movie impressed me a lot.. im a singer too although not professionally.. n i always picture myself as this bold, confident and courageous woman..

i've had quite a difficult childhood.. faced quite alot of things in life.. at one point of time i had lost all hope and used to think that life is not worth living at all.. it used to take me so long to warm to someone.. i just didnt want to associate myself with people coz the ones closest to me had hurt me so much and let me down.. i've changed a lot now.. although i cant let go of my sarcasm.. it hurts the people close to me but i tell them that its a part of me..

but nevertheless i've changed for the better.. n now when i look back at the last 24 years of my life and the way things have turned out to be, i feel thankful.. a lot of people around me tell me that they admire me for a lot of reasons.. and i guess its the experiences, rather the hardships i've faced that have made me the person i am..

today i still face problems.. be it at the professional level or the personal level... but despite these hiccups for me still Zindagi Rocks and will continue to be so.. like a good friend of mine always says "Dekhne ka nazariya".. its how u see it.. :)


  1. Great,am immensely have an immense talent to write,keep writing-shall follow relegiously.


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