I finished my Post Graduation specialising in Human Resources, a year and a half back.. it was not one of the best times to be passing out of college.. we were reeling under the impact of recession and HR jobs were scarce.. so the joy of my parents when i got this job in a nationalised bank was understandable.. they told me that this was the best thing that could've happened to me.. i now have a no tension job plus job security plus perks.. and when i told my friends about my job they too were happy for me.. i was recruited as Asst Manager - Personnel (another thing my parents were super proud about).. although the comment from a close friend was -"its just a 'fancy designation'.. im sure all you'll be doing is cleaning the tables and chairs".. sometimes i think when i have friends like these i dont need enemies.. ;)

i wasnt so thrilled when i got the job.. i always picturised myself in a private company, handling the HR department all by myself.. its been my dream to be handling Training.. feel i can be a great trainer.. so felt this job ne mere sapnon par paani pher diya.. and my friends/parents kept referring to it as a Government job.. made me feel all the more annoyed.. anyway beggars cant be choosers.. since i couldnt get into any other private company i had to go for this job..

Prior to joining we had 3 weeks of Training.. 2 weeks of Theory on Basics of Banking and 1 week of Training in Finacle- the software used by most banks.. At the end of the training we were to get our postings.. since its a nationalised bank we can be posted anywhere in India wherever we have our offices.. before giving me my posting my instructor said i was the luckiest in the batch.. she said this coz i was the only one from my batch posted to the Head Office in Bangalore.. people would kill to be in the Head Office.. guess i am really lucky..

anyway i reported for work..the office was exactly how i'd pictured..a Govt Office, lots of files and paper work..and most of my colleagues are much older than me.. some having completed 30 years of service.. i havent reached that age yet! so it was a culture shock for me.. the generation(s) gap scared the hell out of me.. on the first day of office i came back home n was so low, i just wanted to sleep n never wake up again.. i was wondering how i would adjust to these people, work with them.. most of the colleagues were very supportive and the fact that i am from Mangalore helped since our bank was founded in Mangalore.. and most Colleagues are from Mangalore.. so when they tried to be friendly i wasnt so sure i wanted to be friends with anyone... i was polite but maintained my distance from most Colleagues.. it was with utmost resentment that i used to go to office everyday.. for about a month i was in denial.. NO! This cant be happening to me.. i was totally lost.. and then i spoke to one of my batchmates who was posted to a branch.. who told me about how shabbily she was being treated.. and she said atleast thrice that i was so lucky to be in the Head Office.. well i was wondering why i wasnt feeling lucky..

remembered that same close friend's comment about the fancy designation.. She always keeps saying "its how u see it.. dekhne ka nazariya" .. realised that i could keep pitying myself and live in self denial for the rest of my life but it wouldnt change my situation.. i have to come back to work in the same office, meet the same people everyday, work with the same people for as long as i was going to stay in the bank.. there's no running away from that.. so like it or not this is how it was going to be.. so decided to change my attitude..

opened up to my colleagues a bit.. and did they respond well to that! i was suddenly in heaven.. i could walk up to anybody in office and ask for just about any kind of help of guidance or help and i was never refused.. i realised one thing.. i have a lot to learn from my collegues.. and only if i have the right attitude and humility can i hope to learn something atleast from my colleagues..

i have completed a year and four months of service although it feels like its been forever that i have been in the bank.. work is getting tougher and more challenging by the day.. sometimes i feel my job is a thankless one, coz i get more complaints and no appreciation at all.. there are days when i cry in office coz of some mean comment by a colleague.. but despite all these i still love my job.. i have learnt alot from my colleagues.. made a few close friends whom i'm going to keep for the rest of my life.. adn overall the satisfaction i get from a job well done just pales in comparison to all the trouble undertaken to complete the job.. :)

i feel lucky and today when i look back i feel my parents are right.. this is the best thing that could've happened to me.. if i choice i wouldnt have wanted it any other way but this.. :) and like i always say Zindagi Rocks ;)


  1. Sharon.. im glad that u r taking things positively... everything is in our hands.. if v have the will & determination v can succeed in whatever v do... im sure all ur efforts will show good results... all the best!!


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