What women want..

First of all, a very happy International Women's day to all the wonderful ladies out there.. Seeing the statuses of the women in my contact list I'm assuming the ladies had a good time celebrating "our" day and why not? We deserve a good time every once in a while so why not have a day to celebrate who we are - the fairer sex, the mentally stronger gender, besides being fun, enthusiastic, charming, ambitious go-getters.. Basically we can be anything we wish to be on any given day and we should take pride in that.. And Women's Day is an opportune moment to celebrate and revel in the pride of being a woman..

So what is it that a woman really wants.. I personally feel that women want different things from life depending on what phase of their life they're currently in.. As young girls we have a very idealistic expectation from life as we're looking at life from behind rose coloured glasses.. So a young girl dreams of getting married to a handsome Prince, have a good house and a happy family.. Atleast that's what rom-coms depict.. Of course that trend has probably changed today and young girls today dream of a successful career as Pilots, Architects, Fashion designers or even starting their own business.. 

All that idealism shifts a bit when you hit your late 20s and into your 30s because by that time you are settled or looking to settle down, have a family and or a stable career.. 

Another take would be that what we want also is related to the roles we handle.. Some roles and corresponding expectations would probably go like this:

As a career Woman: A career woman would like to break the glass ceiling and other barriers that prevent or slow down her progress of climbing up the career ladder.. a career woman would also like not to be judged for being too ambitious or for foraying into fields that are otherwise considered male dominant/male appropriate..

A daughter: A daughter just wants to be treated like the little girl she is (secretly) and give in to all her quirks/demands just like how she was treated as a child so that she has a safe space to retreat to..

A Wife: A wife probably likes to be treated like an equal and made a part of all decisions needed to be taken, financial or other decisions..

A homemaker: A homemaker would like to be treated with the same amount of respect that is given to a woman who chooses to pursue a career in addition to having a marriage and kids..

A mother: Well a mother (and this is my expectation) just wants to be able to keep up with the updated vocab of the present generation just so that I can still be a part of my daughter's life and not go into a trance when I hear words like "skibidi", "rizz", "delulu", "solulu" etc.. (lol) 

And FYI, the internet defines "skibidi" as just a nonsense slang word that has no specific meaning and is just aimed a making anyone over the age of 25 years, feel old.. (Going by this definition I feel like a fossil!)

On the occasion of Women's Day our Office released a book that had contributions from female staff members.. A cursory glance through the book gave me an insight into what the women of today want.. Women want adventure and experiences that give them an adreneline rush, some others want to travel the world and experience different cultures, for others its about finding their tribe and being a part of a group of like minded people who are a strong support system, while some others just want to express their deepest feelings through poetry..

But if you're still wondering what women actually want I can sum it up in the following bullet points:

1. We love gifts.. There's no need to limit it just to Women's day.. Surprise us.. It need not even be an expensive gift because it is the thought that matters..

2. We want to feel needed.. That's our USP that we are the most important person in the house/office etc.. se let us help you with things even though you are "independent and can do it yourself"..

3. When we ask you "have I put on weight'? You don't have to just say "no".. You also have to act surprised while answering this question.. 

4. We want to be trusted.. So let us in and confide in us and I promise you wont be disappointed..

5. We don't like unsolicited advice/comments.. So please refrain from making unsavoury remarks about our appearance/weight/body structure unless you are complimenting us.. In that case keep the compliments coming and a few white lies are also allowed (lol)

Nothing could've summarised the question "what a woman wants" better than a particular meme that comes up regularly on my feed which goes something like this.. A guy asks a woman what her wildest fantasy is and she replies "sleeping through the night, waking up to a clean house, a fit body, no wrinkles, laundry done and put away, a full on buffet breakfast with no calories and a million bucks in my purse".. 

So here's to all the beautiful, passionate, talented, fun loving, goofy, ambitious and fiesty women in my life.. May you continue to shine and make the world a brighter place and may all your "fantasies" come true.. lol

Happy Women's Day! 


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