Lockdown Dairies

So we have to come to the end of Day 13 of the lockdown..It's way past my bed time... but I'm unable to fall asleep.. I'm looking at a baby lizard that's on the wall.. which is playing hide and seek with me.. Well, spotting a lizard in your house isn't a scary thing.. The horror begins when you can no longer see the lizard.. that's when you are shit scared and wondering where the lizard has disappeared and whether it is crawling on the floor or worse still, whether it's landed on your bed.. presently this baby lizard is hiding behind my guitar that's propped up against the wall.. Guess I won't be catching much sleep tonight..

So this baby lizard along with two other baby lizards have been my company at home during this lockdown period.. I was telling about these three lizards to my friend who said that they must be the same lizard.. And I got into a detailed explaination about how I can identify that they're three different lizards.. My friend thinks I'm crazy.. though she hasn't said it aloud (lol!)

So the lockdown period is forcing us to do things that had otherwise taken a backseat.. for instance, cooking.. owing to the lockdown we're all forced to cook.. Well, I'm also doing my share of cooking.. And my father is "amazed" I can cook.. I was miffed by this reaction from him so I told him about how my landlady complimented me on my "cooking skills".. Well I'm no Tarla Dalal but I can cook a decent meal..

Anyway the lockdown period has also brought out the "crazy" in people.. So the other day I was telling my colleagues at work that I want to go back home to Bangalore.. And within no time they started tripping on me saying that people are walking thousands of kilometres to reach home and the distance between Bangalore and Hassan is comparatively less.. and then one guy explains how I should go about this expedition.. and everyone is having a great time laughing.. Well, it's not that they're insensitive to my feelings of desperation to go back home and be with my family.. it's just that they feel that humour in a situation like also helps to soften the blow.. We never know what the future holds.. but we're all in this together.. and my colleagues at work never let me feel low while I'm in their company.. They're all crazy (in a nice way!) And together we can turn anything into a joke..

Talking about "crazy", the find of this lockdown period for me has been the "TikTok" app.. This app needs no introduction.. So initially I would just login to look at videos most of which are silly or goofy or crazy and just nonsensical at times.. And I never thought I would get on the app and shoot videos of myself and post them.. but then life throws some nasty surprises your way and in a situation like the one we're presently facing, one begins to realise that we're mortals and any day could be our last day.. so while I always thought that making crazy videos and posting it on TikTok was beneath me, owing to the present circumstances I thought why not do something crazy before you know "leaving for my heavenly abode".. Well, I also have to thank a particular friend for this.. for constantly pushing me and nagging me to the point of submission.. thank you Becky for always pushing me to do things which are fun, but which I never agree to do when you ask me the first time.. heh heh heh..

This lockdown besides showing us how short our time on this earth is, has also brought out the best in people.. I was particularly touched when a colleague offered to come home and give me some chicken he had cooked (Well I don't have a fridge in Hassan because of which I can't stock up meat at home).. Then there is another colleague who picks me up and drops me home everyday since public transport is not available..
A friend from college once told me that people are not obliged to do things for you.. and I've realised that I must never take for granted the things others do for me.

So this lockdown I'm grateful for everything I have.. For a good family who are my greatest source of support, for friends who always take the time to check up on me (God knows I need this right now), for a set of absolutely cool and chilled out colleagues.. and for TikTok.. (heh heh heh) Yeah I can imagine one particular friend rolling her eyes while reading this and wondering if I've gone crazy.. Well, I'm not one of those people you read about in memes.. you know the ones who've counted the number of tiles on their bathroom floor..the lockdown hasn't gotten to me yet.. I'm not crazy yet..

(P.S:- There are 35 tiles on my bathroom floor.. lol!)


  1. 😁😁😁good one Sharon.. We are in this together

  2. Very nicely complied.... congrats Sharon


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