The 'not so Secret' Santa and New Year Celebration 2020 at Hassan

So I'm sure most of you are familiar with the game we usually play during Christmas time called "Secret Santa".. Wherein you pick up the name of some fellow staff member at work and you are their "Secret Santa" and you are supposed to give your "kid" a gift on Christmas.. For various reasons we decided the "gift giving" would be done on New Year's Day.. But the period between Christmas to New Year would be utilized in dropping hints to our respective "kids" and challenge them to guess the identity of their Secret Santa..

In my so many years of playing this game never have I seen a group more sportive than my team at Regional Office at Hassan.. In the true spirit of the game many staff members took time out to buy small gifts/leave notes for their respective "kids".. It was so much fun to watch my colleagues at work receive little gifts/notes from their Secret Santas'.. It was more fun when they were teasing the other people who didn't get any gifts from their Santas'.. Finally the D-Day arrived and we all exchanged gifts with everyone receiving gifts from their Santas'.. It was like Christmas and I watched in sheer happiness each staff member open their gifts and show it off.. like kids.. it was a beautiful feeling..

We also had pot luck for lunch with each of us making a dish.. The variety was amazing and all the dishes prepared were delicious.. We could all be featuring in MasterChef US/Australia some day.. heh heh heh.. After a heavy meal everyone was having a hard time keeping their eyes open.. but it was a great meal with some of the best tasting food I've ever eaten..

Following this I had the honour of conducting games for staff at Office.. and it was the best evening I've ever had.. Never have I seen a group more sportive than this one.. everyone was fully involved in the session and we had 100% participation which was really good to see.. The best game for the evening was probably "Draw the donkey's tail".. it's a game usually played at kids birthday parties but I thought it would be fun for an office setting too.. and I have never laughed so much as I have laughed during this game.. The audience giving wrong directions to the person who's blindfolded and trying to draw the tail on the donkey.. And someone drawing the tail on the donkey's forehead.. Anyway I couldn't escape my share of the "humiliation" though.. I was conducting the games and hence couldn't be a participant.. but on public demand I was blindfolded and made to attempt drawing the donkey's tail.. My colleagues decided to go one step ahead and removed the board from the stand.. I was left walking in the darkness and once everyone had their share of laughter at my expense the board was placed on the stand again and I managed to draw the tail..

Following this we had several other games which witnessed whole hearted participation from everyone.. It was a brilliant evening.. A few people in Office also told me that I "made their day".. It was probably the best compliment I've got in recent times and I'm on Cloud#9!!

Thank you to the "Not So Secret" Santas' (now that your identities have been revealed!) for being such generous gift givers and playing the game in it's true spirit..Thank you to my team at Regional Office Hassan.. You guys rock! Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New year 2020.. May all your dreams come true..


  1. Dear Sharon Madam..i had the honour of being part of this wonderful day at our Ro Office.This was the best not only new year but also any function in bank i witnessed..Well for your readers info i wont mind to reveal that im that one who drew the donkey tail on its forehead ...ha ha..I agree with everything that you have mentioned above about our celebrations..Words were short to describe it in fact..The games session was the highlight of the day and never had i been in any vicinity ever in life where such loud outburst of laughter was heard like we had inside our Ro conference room was pure joy..everyone were like innocent kids right from oldest by physical age to youngest..i also want to personally thank you for the initiative of secret santa game which ended up as life's best surprise for me with my office santa being so generous for me everyday...There were many wonderful memories on new year day gave a perfect end to my 2019 n a great beginning to my 2020..I ended up with a memory for lifetime ..I thank you and all others too for these memories..Im glad to have stumbled upon your blog.I love n give a shout out to my homies who got a writer's soul like me..You will find Komal on and off drop a comment or two here..i always feel great to boost a creative person.. ..Keep up the good work ..Thank wishes ...Komal


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