And then I let you go..

You were once the reason I smiled..
And then you became the one because of whom I cried.

You were the one who brought out my best..
And then you turned into the worst.

You were the one with whom I had the best memories..
And then your memories just flew away with the breeze.

You were the one who I thought would never leave..
And then you did leave.

I never thought I could stop loving you..
I never thought I could let you go..
But then you showed me that you wanted out..
And I was convinced that you're already out..
That's when I realised it's time for me too,
To let you move on..

So I tried to find other reasons to smile..
And tried to find other ways to bring out the best in me..
Trying to find other people to make memories with..
Trying to find someone who won't ever leave..

But you just won't leave..
Even though you aren't in my life you still own a piece of my heart
I deleted your messages, photos and even your phone number..
But I couldn't delete you from my memories..

I wonder if you feel this pain as deeply as I do
Do you think of me as fondly as I think of you?
Did you love me as sincerely as I loved you?
Did you care for me as deeply as I cared for you?

When I realised that the answer to all the questions above is "NO"
That's when
I let you go..


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