On "Friendship" day..

So for those of you waiting for my regular friendship day post here goes.. Its a day late but like they say "Better late than never"..

So yesterday Facebook timelines and WhatsApp statuses were brimming with Friendship day posts.. People were sharing group photos with a vengeance.. I felt like it was a contest going on with people trying to outdo each other.. more the number of group photos higher the popularity I'm guessing.. Me? I spent yesterday hurriedly packing my stuff to take back to Hassan with me.. I also featured on a couple of peoples statuses.. being part of their group photos.. well I wasn't sure if I should return the 'favour' by posting photos of those people on my timeline/WhatsApp status.. So here's a tip.. "When in doubt,shut the #@₹& up".. So I was quietly observing these 'developments' on social media.. And I went back to the time when "Friendship" day meant a big deal to me.. I had this very idealistic version of friendship where I felt that friendship is forever.. The naive me had to learn from experience that nothing lasts forever.. and definitely not friendship..

You know a friend once told me that friendship is like marriage.. I think this friend was talking specifically about my relationship with her which can best be described as a "love hate" relationship.. Throughout our relationship we were never able to love each other at the same time.. so it alternated between loving and hating each other and finally came to a point where I just accepted defeat and let go.. so when she put up one of our pics as her status it numbed my senses.. that's when I recalled what this friend told me long back that our friendship is more like a marriage.. where neither can we stay together nor can we let go.. and just like in a marriage a couple stays together coz of the kids we too are bound together coz of our memories of beautiful times spent together.. I couldn't hold back tears when I saw the status update.. I can openly admit that no other Friendship has brought me such joy happiness and peace that this group has brought to me, of whom this "love hate" friend was an integral part of..

Anyway things change, people move on, friendships break.. but life goes on.. So now my motto is #NoNewFriends.. I'm never going to give someone the power to break my heart again.. taking a leaf out of this friends book and sticking to the "No strings attached" version of friendship..

This friendship day I salute all those people who can jump from one group to another without having the slightest bit of attachment to the people they're socialising with.. I hope I can be like you and not let my feelings get in the way.. The only way to do this would be #NoNewFriends and #NoStringsAttached.. will let you know next year on Friendship day how this worked out for me.. Cheers!!!


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