Happy Valentine's Day :-)

It's the most awaited day of the year.. The day we celebrate 'love'.. I was pleasantly surprised when I reached office today and found chocolates on my desk.. Thank you to the friend for the kind gesture.. Really made my day..

Coming back to this celebration of 'Love'.. Well, I haven't really pondered on what 'Love' is/means.. For me it's just been what they show on movies or what I've read in books.. You know..

Guy meets girl..
They dislike each other..
Girl falls in trouble..
Guy helps girl out..
Girl falls for guy..
Family objects to their 'love'..
They fight for their love..
Overcome all obstacles..
Girl and guy are united again.. And live happily ever after..

And of course none of us Bollywood fans will ever forget SRK's iconic dialogue from 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' where he declared that Love is Friendship.. Well I certainly agree.. SRK is right.. But over the years I have also realised that love comes to us when we least expect it and and not always in the conventional definition of the word..

Love is when your mother can make out that you have a sore throat just by listening to your voice on the phone..

Love is when your father cracks a joke just to get you out of a foul mood..

Love is when your brother teases you mercilessly

Love is when your mother in law cooks your favourite dish..

Love is when your father in law enquires how your day was..

Love is when your extended family celebrates your birthday and other milestones in your life and never misses an opportunity to make you feel special..

Love is when your husband tells you the dish you made is excellent.. And when you taste the dish you realise you forgot to add salt..

Love is when your daughter comes and places her head on your lap.. Love is also when she tells you you're the best 'cooker' in the world.. ;-)

Love is when your friend takes the time to check in on you even when you're geographically seperated and are on different time zones..

Love is when a friend tries to include you in everything and makes you feel wanted..

Love is when a friend is always there for you no matter how many times you've said you've had enough and you want out of the relationship..

Love is when people take the time to text/call/meet up with you..

Love is also found in the nick names that people have for you..

Sometimes love is when a friend drops you home even though you are otherwise not on talking terms..

So here's wishing you all a very happy Valentine's day, especially to all those who have loved me even during the times when I have been difficult and least lovable.. Thank you all.. May you be blessed with all the happiness that your love brings to me.. :-)


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