
So it's been a lifelong 'dream' for me to get a tattoo.. But I never really could muster the courage to get one.. The reviews about how the procedure was too painful was sufficient to put me off.. But I still hoped that someday I would be brave enough to walk into a tattoo studio and get a tattoo.. That 'someday' happened today..

So after catching a movie with friends we were just walking around in the mall and we just came across a tattoo studio.. One of my friends expressed her desire to get a tattoo.. So after much contemplation, we walked into the studio, very hesistently..

After making the initial enquiry about the cost, time involved in the process and more importantly after assessing the amount of pain involved the friend decided to get a tattoo.. Her decision was based solely on the fact that the tattoo artist assured her that the part of her body getting inked would be anesthetized using local anesthesia.. So she went for it.. But 5 minutes into the procedure, the pain hit her and she began cursing the tattoo artist and his fake 'anesthesia'.. Anyway somehow the procedure was done..

My turn next.. I selected the 'Sun' design.. A fairly large tattoo as compared to what my friend got done before me.. But then moderation has never been my strong suit.. I'm either fully involved in relationships/work or totally indifferent.. So also with the tattoo.. I decided to push my limits and go all the way.. So I'm not sure how long the tattoo took to get done but it was a while and the pain was intense.. But after a point I began to enjoy the pain.. I now understand what people mean when they say they find pleasure in pain.. It was an amazing experience for me.. And I would definitely want to get another tattoo done..

Alarmed at this 'development' in my life my friend whom I occasionally refer to as 'the RayBan Sanyasi' called me up and asked 'what's happening'.. I explained it was just something I did on an impulse.. It was an amazing experience for me..

For those of you who contemplate doing something but are afraid I'd say just go for it.. Join that dance class, take that solo trip, join the gym, get the tattoo, tell that 'someone' that you really care for them.. Because the best experiences in life are not planned.. They're the ones that happen in the spur of the moment but leave their imprints on our life that last a lifetime..


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