
Showing posts from August, 2018

The decade that was..

I'm completing 10 years of work life in Vijaya Bank today.. In an age where changing jobs regularly is the norm, sticking to one organization for a whole decade is quite an achievement.. Well, I'm a loyal person.. And I aim to retire from Vijaya Bank.. I wasn't always 'proud and grateful' to be a part of this Institution.. I can vividly recall my first day at work.. It was exactly as I'd pictured.. A government office.. With pale coloured walls, old creaky furniture and lots of paperwork.. And a lot of seniors around.. I mean seniors in age..I was one of the handful juniors in a sea of seniors and I felt like an intruder who had broken into their world.. Some seniors detested the fact that I was a post graduate.. But I can tell you from experience that no amount of education can prepare you for the challenges of life.. So here I was, fresh out of college, the world my oyster but stuck in an office with people decades older than me.. I didn't know how I wo...

Old friends..

They say wine tastes better as it gets older.. I'm realising friendships also become more enjoyable as they grow older.. So while you may not be in touch with those close friends for varied reasons, but when you do get together after a great deal of time, it's like you can pick up from where you left.. It's the same feeling of slipping into that favourite old sweater.. That sweater may be worn out and faded.. But it never fails to provide you the same warmth and comfort that it did earlier.. A few months ago I was having trouble in accepting that things need to be let go of.. But I realised that people change and so do their priorities.. Holding on to relationships that have long passed their expiry date can be injurious to one's (emotional) health.. I'm now trying to make a conscious effort to let go.. Earlier I detested the term 'Old friends'.. It made me feel that the friendship is over.. But I'm beginning to realise that 'Old is (definitely) Go...


Last evening the nation lost one of it's iconic leaders.. Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee besides being a seasoned politician was also a renowned poet.. But I didn't know him as well as all the people on social media who've updated their status with pics of him or poems in honour of him.. My only association with him was as a kid when I would watch Shekhar Suman do absolutely brilliant imitations of Sri Vajpayee ji on his late night talk show called 'Movers and Shakers'.. And I'm sure none of those people sharing condolences messages knew Sri Vajpayee ji personally.. So I was mildly amused at seeing sooooooooo many messages on social media by people who were 'paying tribute' to this humble soul.. Also it made me wonder.. 'Is this what it takes to appreciate someone'.. Death???.. I guess it must be true.. I've been to several funerals.. But I've yet to attend a funeral where someone bitches about the dead.. They all go gushing about what...

The Biryani that never came!

DISCLAIMER: Though the post is based on real life events it is in no way aimed to hurt anyone.. Resemblence to any person/place is purely coincidental.. :-P ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Hari Puttar, thank you for the title.. Dearest 'Honey'.. Take this with a pinch of salt.. And remember we tease those we love the most.. And you know we love you.. ;-) Usually I carry lunch to office.. And the occasions where I don't carry lunch I usually join other friends to either go out for lunch or order in.. Recently a friend and I decided to order for food.. So she scrolled through a food ordering app..My heart skipped a beat.. My soul became happy.. When she said the 3 magic words.. "Let's order biryani".. To all the people reading this I'm sure you'll agree that everyone loves biryani.. Although I'm not exactly a 'foodie' but I do love biryani from certain restaurants.. Since the order was placed from one of my favourite restaurants I couldn't wait...

On Friendship Day

I'm a sentimental person..I love sentimental quotes and enjoy reading quotes like "Friends are forever.. To love and to be loved is the greatest treasure".. To my chagrin the first post I saw today was a forward which went like "because dosti chocolatey hi nahin, crunchy bhi hoti hai"..And I was like "What???? Kuch bhi???" I'm not sure if that was an advertisement for chocolate or potato chips.. Anyway I'm guessing the forward meant that friendship is not always fun and happy.. It can get challenging at times.. Or maybe it means that friends are not always mature and understanding.. They can also be fun and wild at times.. Anyway today I'm taking the time to talk about the different kinds of friends we have in life.. So here goes: THE CHILDHOOD FRIEND: These are our first friends in life.. And they make childhood such a memorable time and thinking about them always makes you feel happy.. I'm not in touch with any of my childhood...

Who am I?

So we have this session on knowledge sharing at our workplace every Friday.. On one such occasion a colleague spoke on 'Self Awareness' and touched upon the topic called 'Johari Window' which is basically a technique that helps people understand their relationship with themselves and others.. The session was a welcome break from the usual work/job related discussion.. And it prompted me to reflect on the question which I still don't have an answer to "Who am I?".. Well, it's not that I don't know who I am.. Its just that I have never given this much of a thought.. I have always just accepted what others think of me and formed an opinion about myself.. But after some reflection on this aspect I decided to pen down my thoughts.. So here's a sneak peak into the 'mystery' that that is ME.. 1. I am not a snob (Maybe!) So I usually come across as this snobbish, arrogant person who can look through you and walk right past you like you don...