"Beti Bachao" - A slogan or a warning?

It's time the policy makers declare 'Rape' as the National Sport of India.. It is being committed blatantly with impunity.. The news reports atleast one incident of a woman/child/baby being raped everyday.. There is no fear of the law.. It seems like there IS no law.. The recent incidents brought to light are being politicised and it makes me sick.. No one cares that an 8 year old was kidnapped, drugged and raped for days and then brutally killed and her body dumped like a piece of trash.. Her parents horror didn't end with that.. They weren't even allowed to bury their child in their village.. Instead of taking offense to the crime people are asking questions like why aren't the other crimes against women that have recently been inflicted on women been given the same coverage that this particular crime has been given.. We have lost our moral compass..

I'm terrified.. I have a 6 year old daughter.. And I no longer feel proud of her achievements and talents.. My happiness of having her in my life is overshadowed by my worry for her.. I can never dream of sending my daughter out alone.. I will want to be with her at every step of the way.. Right from the time she leaves home for school till the minute she's back home, my mind will only worry about the safety of my daughter.. A friend's words are coming back to haunt me.. She said she's so happy to have a son.. I can now see the relief in her words.. If an 8 year old child can be raped where is the safety for any woman in our country?

Over the years I've had my share of unwelcome advances/eve teasing and so have my female friends and classmates.. It makes you feel so dirty and defiled.. But we were told to just ignore such instances and move on with our lives.. Fortunately it didn't impact me much psychologically and I'm leading normal life like so many other women who've faced such instances.. But today it's becoming more difficult to ignore such instances.. Because I fail to understand as to how an 8 year old girl can sexually arouse someone unless that person happens to be a paedophile? Such people should be locked up behind bars.. There is no place for such people in society..

Today there are millions of mothers in this country who fear for the safety of their children, both daughters and sons.. It is my humble request to those in power, to make laws more stringent.. If people are not fearful of the law these instances will continue to happen.. Our children deserve a safe environment and a secure life.. They deserve to experience all the joys of childhood.. This does NOT include becoming a sex toy for those looking for sexual release at the cost of the lives of innocent children..Save our children.. Save our women.. Save the vulnerable people in our society.. Bring back humanity..


  1. So true.... Where do we go when we can not even get justice for victims, forget about crime prevention


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