What women want

Well honestly speaking, we ourselves don't know what we want.. And this is probably the most talked about subject and I've heard many men say they can't really figure out what a woman wants.. And there isn't a comprehensive guide to this question.. However, here are some pointers.. The post is an attempt at humour and not intended to hurt anyone's feelings.. So, here goes...

1) We consider ourselves the USP of our families.. So we want to feel needed.. We want to be your go-to person for everything, so we can crib about how our significant other can't find his socks even if it was right in front of his eyes or how our children are so clingy that we can't even take a shower without interruption..

2) When we are quiet and seemingly upset we want you to ask us "What's wrong"? We are definitely going to say "nothing", but that shouldn't stop you from asking us what's wrong.. We hate to be ignored, although we reserve our right to ignore you or give you the silent treatment..

3) We hate sexist remarks.. Yes, I'm in a bad mood.. No, I'm not on my period.. Oh well maybe I am.. Or maybe that's a part of my personality.. Anyway, we'd like you to think carefully before you say things like "A woman's place is in the kitchen".. Remember, that's also where the knives are kept..

4) We find it very sexy when our significant other can pitch in with the household work.. And if he can do the dishes, well that would be the sexiest man alive..In fact that is the 'position' we want to try.. Us lying on the sofa while they stand at the sink doing the dishes.. :-P

5) When we ask you if we're looking fat, it's not just enough to say "No".. You also have to look surprised or astonished while saying so.. Because some studies say that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention this..

6) We have as much interest in the anatomy of a vehicle as you have in knowing what's kept where in the kitchen..

7) Who says we can't make up our mind.. We will visit 'n' number of shops because we have decided we want 'that' shade of red..

8) Speaking of shopping, when we can't choose between 2 very good dresses and ask you to choose, what we would like to hear you say is, "Let's buy them both sweetie.. Here's my card".. ;-)

9) If you can't differentiate between blood red and brick red, don't expect us to know the difference between soccer and football..

10) Finally.. The 3 words every woman longs to hear.. Yeah you got that right.. "No cooking today"..:-D

I'm sure you'll agree with me that there is no comprehensive guide for understanding what a woman/man wants.. It's always about adjustment and compromise.. And mainly going the extra mile for someone you love.. So men may be from Mars and women may be from Venus but we're both living on this Earth.. And we should make the most of our time together here.. :-)


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