The motherhood 'challenge'

I'm reminded of a line my mother told me when I was a kid.. I was probably giving her a hard time that in exasperation she said, "When you have children of your own, then you will know".. Today those words are ringing in my ears as I deal with my little one (LO) and her endless questions and comments/views.. Well, it's not as bad as I've made it sound like.. My LO is a sweet child.. Actually, there is only one sweet child in the world and every mother has her/him.. So while she's a sweet kid and as innocent as kids are at that age there are times when I want to hide somewhere to avoid her questions.. At other times I'm mortified after listening to her opinions.. And there are also times I just want to say something sarcastic.. But I've learned that she's way too smart for that.. And I'll get back those same lines that I dish out to her at a later point of time.. So I resist the urge to say anything that will come back to bite me later on..

I'm sharing a few conversations that LO and me have had about random things..

Theme:I want a baby/dog:

LO:Mama do you have a baby in your tummy?
Me:No Nikki.. I don't have a baby in my tummy..
LO: Why Mama?
Me: (Silently praying that LO changes the question)
*Prayers answered*
LO: Mama, can we get a dog? I don't want a toy dog.. I want a real one..
Me: No sweetie.. We can't get a dog..
LO: Why?
Me: Because you'll go to school. Mama & Dada will go to office.. Nobody will be there to look after the dog..
LO: Lakshmi aunty (our maid) will be there at home or not?

It goes without saying that LO is a tough task master and expects that the maid will look after the pet dog.. And so its a valid demand.. To get a dog..

Theme: Grandpa's tummy
LO: Mama, does Grandpa have a baby in his tummy?
Me: No Nikki, he doesn't have a baby in his tummy..
LO: Then why is his tummy so big?
Me: Because he eats too much..
(After dinner)
LO: Mama, grandpa doesn't eat too much.. You lied to me..
Me: (Feeling like I'm standing in front of a judge who's awarding her verdict.. In the case of Sharon Braggs vs the People of India on the charge of lying, I find the defendant Sharon Braggs "Guilty")

A few months from now she'll tell me that lying is a sin and that I need to go to Church and confess my sins and do penance..

Theme: Mama, what are you doing?
While I'm in the bathroom, having a bath, LO wants to play 20 questions..
LO:(standing outside the bathroom) Mama, what are you doing?
Me: I'm having a bath Nikki.. I'll be out in 5 minutes..
LO: (after a few seconds) Mama, are you applying soap?
Me: (impatiently) Yes Nikki..
LO: (after a few minutes when the sound of water splashing ceases) Mama, what are you doing now?
Me: I'm wearing my clothes..
LO: Mama, did you wipe yourself before wearing your clothes?
Me: (through gritted teeth): Yes Nikki!!!!

Taking a shower used to be my most favourite part of the day.. Now.. Well.. Gone are those days of peaceful solitude..

Theme: I don't want to go to school
LO: Mama, which class will I be in?
Me: You'll be in Senior KG..
LO: Mama, I don't want to go to school..
Me: Why Nikki?
LO: Because I don't know where is the classroom..
Me: (desperately trying to control my laughter)

I've heard excuses like I don't want to go to school because I don't like to study, or I don't want to go to school because I don't like the teacher.. But this is.. Innocence at its best..

Theme: Bedtime
(At 11:30 P.M)
Me: Let's go to bed Nikki.. It's time to sleep..
LO: But I'm not tired..
The husband and me (in unison): But we are tired baby.. Let's go to sleep..

My interactions with LO make me feel ignorant and I feel I should read up on some general knowledge, to be ready with some creative answers for the next round of the Motherhood challenge..

I know I should enjoy these moments with my LO.. I've been told that LO is a spitting image of me.. I feel she has my temperament too.. Knowing this I can see her as this surly teenager whose conversation is just monosyllabic.. Before she turns into a silent movie, I should enjoy her endless chatter.. It's what makes my day.. It's what gets me through tough times.. her voice ringing in my ears.. "Mama,...."


  1. Made for a fascinating read. Keep them coming!

  2. Wow
    Sharon well written. Enjoyed reading. Wishing you all the best. Santhosh

  3. Wow
    Sharon well written. Enjoyed reading. Wishing you all the best. Santhosh


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