Sharon ko gussa kyun aata hai.. ;-)

So I read this line a few days back which goes something like this "I wish I was as thin as my patience".. This 'inspired/impressed' (for want of a better word) me so much, I put it up as my WhatsApp status for a while.. And for all the people who know me, (friends, acquaintances, colleagues included) you would know that it doesn't take much to ruffle my feathers.. In fact my mum says I will suffer some hypertension soon since I get aangry easily.. In my defence, I'd like to say that I have tried being patient.. Like really.. But somehow I can't find it in me to put up with all this bullshit.. And lots of times sheer stupidity from the other person makes me wanna bang my head somewhere.. Extreme you say? Well.. But what I really do is count from one to ten in my head.. But then sometimes even counting to a hundred is not sufficient to take my mind off the rubbish some people talk.. Anyway this post is not really about what gets my goat, but about some of the things that offend me..

So I take offense to this corporate guy who takes the metro everyday.. Same time as me.. I take offense because despite plugging in my earphones and playing music on high volume I can still hear this guy talk on his phone.. Dude maybe you're some high profile guy.. And maybe a top boss in your company.. But I'm sure I speak for the rest of my fellow travellers when I say that we don't give a crap about what you're going to say in the meeting with the development team.. Or how you sent a stinker of a mail marking a copy to your super boss and his super boss.. Keep some work to do in office.. On the train keep your trap shut.. Coz I'm not really a morning person.. And so I like my peace and quiet in the mornings..

I'm taking offense to these certain people driving cars.. Who drive like they're just learning to drive.. Driving so slowly makes me feel like I can walk faster than they're speed of driving.. I'm reminded of Merryl Streep's dialogue from 'The Devil wears Prada' where she says "By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how much that thrills me".. Of course we also have the other brand of drivers who'll honk like the world is about to end.. And when they've overtaken me and drive full speed only to be stopped at the signal I have this strong urge to stop next to their vehicle and roll down my window and ask them what was the prize for having beaten me to the signal.. Of course I mentally hold up a certain finger at them and continue on my way..

I'm also taking offence to a certain ad wherein an actress is endorsing a cookie.. I take offense because these ads are misleading.. You're telling that this actress eats those rich cookies and still remains thin? Cmon.. I'm sure she spits it out as soon as the director yells 'cut'!'.. If you have Saroj Khan endorse those cookies I might even buy a whole carton of cookies.. Lol..

and finally the best for the last.. I'm taking offense about certain customers who walk into the branch at exactly what happens to be our lunch break.. And despite seeing my lunch box open,still walk up to me and ask "Is it the lunch break now?" Hell no! I feel like saying.. "We're organising a food fest.. Would you like to sample some home made rajma?".. But then in my line of work the Customer is king.. So I tell the king with all the sweetness I can muster despite feeling a murderous rage, that's it's the lunch break.. And as soon as I'm done with lunch I'll help him out with whatever he requires from the bank..

and that's how things annoy me.. And there are days I wonder how the others around me are so cool.. I admire all these people.. I'm thinking you have to be hard of hearing or leave your brains at home.. There is no other way someone can put up with bullshit like this.. And for my next blog.. Wanna write about The Eleventh Commandment - Thought shalt not put up with crap'..


  1. It is good to read about the things that tick you off. Not everyone would have the guts to talk about these things. Do keep writing :) Your blogs are something that I am sure a lot of people look forward to reading :)


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