Is it really a 'happy' Women's day?
To the defence lawyers.. I want to tell you something.. On your take about women following Indian Culture.. I agree with you.. And I will teach my daughter modesty and good behaviour, not because that's how a girl should be, but that's how a good person should be.. And because good manners can never go out of style.. I will teach my daughter to cook and to keep a house not because it's a woman's job to do household work but because her mom and dad are not going to be around forever and someday she has to learn to be independent.. But what I will not teach her is that it is wrong to wear jeans.. Or that it's wrong to have male friends.. Or go out with them..or that it's wrong for her to have an occasional drink when she's of the eligible age.. Because those are things that she will have to decide for herself.. She is an individual and at some point in her life will want to make those choices for herself.. I will teach her that the freedom she longs for comes with a sense of responsibility.. And as soon as she learns to take responsibility for her actions she can have all the freedom she desires..
My question to you and all the male chauvinistic pigs out there.. Will you teach your sons that a woman's place is not in the kitchen and her job is not jus limited to raising kids and cooking for the family? Will you teach your sons that just because a woman is dressed in a particular way or enjoys an occasional drink or a smoke doesn't mean she's free game and is asking for it? Will you teach your sons to respect women???
Women will be totally liberated only when we don't require a day earmarked to tell half the humanity to respect the other half of humanity because they're 'special' and through rest of the year subject this 'special' class of people to all sorts of atrocities.. That will be the day when every woman can take pride in the fact that she's a woman.. That day will be a Happy Woman's day..
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