Why won't you leave me alone?

I have recently been bitten by the fitness bug which has motivated me to wake up every morning at an unearthly hour and go out for a walk.. The morning walk also gives me the solitude that I have been craving for.. It's the much needed 'ME' time that I've come to enjoy so much that now I can't imagine my life without these walks (Exaggerating ;-) )..

Initially, when I just started going for walks, I wouldn't wear a jacket or a pullover simply because 10 minutes into the walk and I would start sweating.. And having a jacket on would only make me more uncomfortable.. On one such morning while I'm enjoying my hour of silence and peace suddenly out of nowehere Miss I-can't-mind-my-own-business is beside me questioning me about why I'm not wearing a sweater.. She reminded me of my life in Mangalore where people don't think twice before stopping the auto you're travelling to question you about where you're going and whether you're parents are aware about where you're off to..I guess she's God's answer to my prayers when I told Him im missing my mom and Mangalore.. heh heh heh.. Off late she's missing in action and I'm glad I don't have to socialise with people at an hour when the only company I'm looking forward to is my own..By the way, I have started wearing a sweater these days just so that I dont have to answer her questions anymore..

Then we have "Bhaag P T Usha Bhaag" who's accompanied by 2 of her cronies who are the female versions of Laurel and Hardy.. I'm allergic to people who're loud.. I find it annoying that this P T Usha wannabe disturbs the silence by her extremely loud narration of her exercise regimen or her diet plan and other things that nobody wants to know but she still goes about sharing this 'gyan' to all within hearing distance.. in fact she speaks at a volume equalling the volume at which music is played in a discotheque.. And I find it extremely annoying.. I find her giving me the look that says "Mujhse dosti karogi?".. And seeing the look that I give her she just keeps her distance thankfully..Well, if you're really interested to share your gyan with me you can mail me at www.idontgivearatsass.com..

Then we have "Son of Sardar" who comes to walk his dog.. Although it appears that his dog who is double the size of his master, is walking HIM.. heh heh heh.. Sardar is as soft spoken as our PM and doesn't really disturb anybody.. I'm just more alert when he's around Thanks to his ferocious looking dog.. Sardar is always dressed in a track suit and wears a lot of deo spray which I'm guessing is the brand being endorsed by the current heart throb Ranbir Kapoor.. Sardarji, speaking for all women collectively, spraying a whole lot of deo is not going to make all of us chase after you.. There are a whole lot of us who would choose brain over brawn any day..

Now I give you "Superman".. This guy seems very serious about his workout although I find his routine a bit odd.. He runs sideways and backwards.. I'm so used to seeing him running backwards that it looks very odd when he's running forward.. ;-) This guy too keeps to himself.. It's just difficult for me not to get distracted looking at him running backwards.. I'm expecting him to start flying any day.. heh heh heh..

Saving the best for the last or in this case, the worst.. These are 3 young boys who come to play cricket at the ground around which we fitness enthusiasts walk around.. They would just bowl 1 ball after which the next 20 minutes are spent arguing about whether it was a no ball or whether the ball hit the wicket or whether it was a boundary.. The passion with which these boys fight you would think they're playing to win the World Cup.. I find this so annoying but don't think it's my place to say something to them.. so I just take a deep breath, and get on with my walk..

Recently I came across some good news.. I overheard, did I say overheard? Hell no! PT Usha wannabe was telling the entire lane that she would be going to a gym soon.. my heart did a double flip and I was so happy.. Finally the time will come when I will be able to enjoy some peace and quiet and it will be "Main aur meri tanhayi" in the true sense of the word ;-)


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