Happy Holi :-)

I was suffering from the usual bout of 'Monday blues'.. More so since we're in the month of March.. And fellow bankers would agree when I say that this is the most crucial month for us.. When targets and meeting deadlines, preparing and submitting reports are all you can think of, the word 'fun' becomes obsolete..

So when certain people were planning a Holi celebration at office I was just wondering how could they even think of it.. And then I thought it'll be a boring affair since everyone would be pre occupied with their work or may not be interested since they're too tired.. But I was in for a surprise..

Friends smearing each other faces and clothes with colour... and not just a pinch or two but stuffing our fists with lots of colour and happily smearing it on each others faces...and since it wasn't enough that we were having fun, we just HAD to share it with the others in the vicinity.. It was so much fun seeing a friend go and clean up only to have more colour smeared on her..

I was reminded of my college days where even though a performance would be ongoing on stage we would stand at the end of the auditorium and dance with gay abandon not bothering for a second about who's watching us do the crazy steps..

Today I wasnt worried about how I looked with all that colour on me.. I wasnt worried that I have tonnes of work to complete.. I wasn't bothered that im hurt about someone's behaviour at office.. I didn't care about what people thought about me..

Today was only about bringing out the child in me.. it was only about having total unadulterated fun.. It was also about letting go of all that was hurting me.. And I'm feeling happy today ;-)

I'd like to sign off by quoting someone who's wisely remarked "You've got to dance like no one's watching and love like it's never going to hurt again"..Life is too short to take things seriously and keep grudges.. Just let go and you will be truly happy

By the way, I have never celebrated Holi, until today..So here's to many more happy Holi's and other occasions I hope to celebrate with near and dear ones.. :-)


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