Life's changed, so have I :)

Tomorrow it's going to be 10 weeks, since I gave birth to my baby doll.. how time flies! One of my friends recently asked me how was the transition from a single woman, to wife to mother.. Well, the transition wasn't difficult.. although just before my marriage I was worried how I would adjust to married life.. I have adjusted pretty well I guess... then when I was expecting I was worried about how I would adjust to motherhood.. And after 2 months in this new role of "mommy", I can say that though I may not be voted "Mom of the year", I certainly am good at it.. :) I say this because I know my daughter through and through..I know what each cry means, I know when she's bored and wants to be entertained and I know when she's sleepy and wants me to rock her to sleep.. So much so that my mom actually asks me how I can differentiate between the various cries, and know exactly what Little One (LO) wants.. I guess this is what they call 'the maternal instinct'.. I never thought I was cut out for motherhood.. In fact kids scared me, and I always thought I would never be able to manage a child of my own.,. But here we are! Into my second year of marriage, already shouldering the responsibility of motherhood..And man! Am I loving it!

Of course the novelty of the newly acquired motherhood status is slowly wearing off, and I'm more in touch with my human side, where I get annoyed and shout at LO, but waste no time in holding her close to me, to make her realize that I don't mean a word of what I just said.. :) there are also days when LO gives me a hard time by not sleeping the whole day and staying awake at night too.. entertaining her throughout the day, sometimes takes its toll on me and I'm exhausted..And you can imagine the frustration I feel when I look at her and see her twinkling eyes, with not the slightest sign of sleepiness in them.. Those days happen once every week and its on those days my temper gets the better of me.. So all the patience I exercised in dealing with LO goes down the drain.. But I can say, LO has increased my level of patience.. I'm still working on it.. And in the years to come I guess LO will give me enough opportunities to display my patience.. You know, like refusal to eat food, report cards, complaints from teachers and the like :)

LO has also taught me unconditional love.. I know that in the years to come LO will break my heart with things she says or does, but no matter what, I will never stop loving her.. Finally I'm realizing what my mom went through all those times I fought with her or was rude.. It's not a bed of roses - being a mom.. and I now understand why they celebrate "Mother's day" :)

And finally, LO has taught me not to take myself too seriously..there are days when LO annoys me.. like she doesn't let me lie down.. I have to sit up and watch her fall asleep.. She does a lot of other things to annoy me, and after that gives me a cheeky smile which reads "Chill Mom! I was just pulling your leg".. :) Guess what she's also telling me is that people close me will hurt me.. Most of the time its not intentional.. and I need to let it go..

This year has been a special one for me.. It has brought into my life one of the best persons in the world.. someone who's stolen my heart from the moment I set my eyes on her..And someone who will reside there forever.. My baby doll, LO love you hamesha.. Mom ;)


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