The 10 Commandments of Motherhood ;)

I follow these 10 Commandments given to me by my Little One (LO) and I'm in her good books ;)

1. You shall love me with all your heart, mind and soul and you shall love me more than you love yourself, your spouse and any of my siblings (already existing or yet to come).

2. You shall not call me nick names I don't approve of. I will not respond if you refer me to such names.

3. You shall not multi task. Texting people while rocking me to sleep is a strict no-no.

4. You shall not talk on the phone while I'm awake. I will definitely scream on top of my lungs until you or the other party hangs up.

5. You shall not attempt to cut my nails while I'm asleep. I need them to poke you with when you don't give into my demands.

6. You shall not tell me the same stories over and over again. Please read some children's story books and improve your mental inventory.

7. You shall not shirk from your responsibilities. Handing me over to Grandma because I'm crying and you can't handle it, is not acceptable. You made me cry by refusing to carry me, so now deal with my tantrums.

8. You shall not sing the song "why this Kolaveri Di"? I will definitely get into a murderous rage if I hear you sing it one more time!

9. You are forbidden from lying down beside me and trying to catch a few winks while I'm sleeping. Only one of us can be asleep during the day and by default 'that one' is ME.

10. You shall not talk while I'm trying to sleep. I've had a busy day keeping a track of YOUR activities. After a hard day's work I'm trying to catch some sleep. So do me a favour - Just zip it!

There was a time when I used to think I will train my daughter to behave in a particular way. I will teach her this, that and so on.. Look who's getting all the training.. Sigh! ;)


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