The 10 day challenge
Again borrowing this from a friend because I found it to be something different.. Your blog on the same theme was very well written Sharika.. hope to do justice to this one :)
Well its supposed to be a 10 day challenge, meaning you've got to spend 10 days writing the blog taking one topic each day.. Well I improvised a bit.. spent 10 days thinking about what i would write and now writing it all down at one shot :) here goes..

10 Secrets:
Well the thing is if I mention the secrets they no longer will remain 'secrets':) Anyway
10) I find men with crooked teeth, attractive. E.g: Ronit Roy - the guy has a terrible set of teeth but that makes him look hotter ;)
9) I'm afraid of people with a loud voice.. Some of you may be amused to know that for a very long time I was afraid of a lecturer and would try to vanish the minute I saw her simply because she had an extremely loud and shrill voice.. :)
8)I love texting.. Its on hold these days for want of other 'like minded' texting fans ;)
7) I love chewing gum..
6) I love pens.. I will buy them even though I have no intention of using them.. :)
5) I cry after every fight..
4) If I was not working in a bank I would be a lecturer.. Love to teach.. :)
3) I'm extremely possessive of the people I love..
2) I take a lot of time to trust people.. And I take an even longer time to forgive these people when they hurt me.. It doesn't matter if you care about me and do all those things to make me happy.. I will only remember that one time you hurt me..
1) The kitchen is the scariest place for me.. Because when I do start cooking I may not live up to the expectations of of the most important people in my life.. My mother, my mother in law and my husband.. This thought scares me a lot..

9 Loves:
9) Sleeping.. Until I delivered I spent most of my time asleep.. Now that I have a baby I get to sleep only when she decides its ok for me to sleep.. lol
8) Watching Desperate Housewives: I love this serial.. All the characters are very amusing..
7) Facebook.. I like the application since it gives me updates about all my FB friends without my having to ask them any questions.. ;)
6) My laptop and hard disks: Have a huge collection of movies, TV serials and songs thanks to a good friend.. and my lappy and the disks are my prized possessions :)
5) Tea: I thrive on caffeine.. Miss the days when I would have alteast 5 to 6 cups of tea a day.. and tea made by my mom.. Awesome :)
4) Spending time with friends: I love spending time with friends.. I guess I need not explain why..
3) Books: Love to read, although work and now my baby leave me with little time to indulge in what I can claim is a passion
2) Blogging: Love to write.. Its encouraging to have a few friends tell me that I write well.. Thanks for your support guys.. Your support is what keeps this blog alive :)
1) Music: School, college, The Church and even my workplace gave me a lot of opportunities to indulge in my first love - Singing.. Its been quite a while since I got to strain my vocal chords ( mean for singing and not yelling at the people around ;) ) Miss school and college solely for the reason that I miss singing.. It will always be my first love :)

8 Fears:
I cant specifically mention 8 fears.. I have the same fears and insecurities a normal person would have..
8) Fear of losing my loved ones.
7) Fear of not becoming a successful person
6) Fear of not living up to my parents expectations..
Cant think of anymore.. so will leave it at that..

7 wants:
7) Food: Not much of a foodie but I eat to live, so yes food would definitely be an item on this list
6) Work: I would always want to keep my job and never be out of one..
5) An active social life: I would like to go out and meet people.. I want it because meeting people and interacting with them gives me a lot of ideas and keeps me active..
4) Would want to own a house in my hometown Mangalore..
3) Want to maintain a low profile.. hate being in the limelight, puts me under public scrutiny, something that I can do without..
2) Want all the luxuries money can buy.. lol
1) Want to be loved and respected for what I am.. Very important.. If you can't put up with me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.. As simple as that..

6 places:
I haven't traveled much so actually would love to see the world.. :) But since I get to mention only 6 places here goes.. Dear husband, please read carefully ;)
1) Dalhousie - went there on our honeymoon and I'd love to go there again simply to enjoy the peace and quiet.. and the beautiful scenery :)
2) Leh - from the pics I've seen of this place seems to be a very beautiful place.. want to go there to play in the snow :)
3) Paris - the romantic city.. U can guess why i want to visit this place..
4) Pondicherry - I want to go there to check out the cuisine..
5) The North Eastern States: Probably Shillong and Guwahati for the natural beauty of those places..
6) Rajasthan - for a camel ride ;)

5 foods:
Well I'm not much of a foodie.. but yes i do have my favorites:
5) Prawn chilly that my mum makes
4) Rajma.. again my mum's speciality
3) Kundapur chicken that my mother in law prepares
4) American Chopsuey - I love Chinese food.. and Chopsuey's is my favourite item on the main course :)
5) Pasta - not very fond of the pasta served at restaurants.. more partial to the one my mum makes :)

4 books:
When I think of books I'm always reminded of my classmate in Graduation - Melissa who is an avid reader.. She would read just about any book she could lay her hands on.. admired her for that.. Me - I'm very choosy.. read selective authors.. Of course I still consider myself well read though ;) (Yeah Vanity as some of you may call it)
Well here are my 4 favorite books:
1) The Da Vinci Code - By Dan Brown.. I'm sure those of you who've read thsi book would agree that this is Brown's best book.. What I really liked about the book is the descriptions of the various places in the book and of course the plot.. gets you hooked and you just cant seem to put the book down until you've read the last page..
2) 2 States- The story of my marriage - Chetan Bhagat.. Superb book.. All books written by him have a simple language and the stories are so realistic you can actually relate to them.. What makes this book special for me is the clever use of humour.. laughed so much reading this book..
3) The other side of midnight - Sidney Sheldon.. this was the first book I read by the author and was so impressed that within that year I read all the books by him.. The book like all his other books has a gripping story.. and is a classic..
4) The white tiger - Aravind Adiga.. this book won the Man booker prize.. and is very deserving of the same.. the story is absolutely fantastic and the language very is a book anyone can relate to.. I would love to read it over and over again..

3 films:
1) Miss Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock.. this is my pick-me-up-from-the-dumps movie.. I watch it everytime I feel sad or low on self confidence.. It is a comedy, has some touching moments as well.. overall a feel good movie something that I can always bank on to get my spirits up..:)
2)The Pink Panther Series.. Steve Martin is absolutely brilliant and the comic timing in both the movies is just great.. Can watch the movies a million times more just to hear Steve's Martin's goofy accent.. ;)
3) SALT starring Anjelina Jolie.. One of the few action movies of recent times that left a huge impression on me.. superb plot and superb acting makes the movie an interesting watch..

2 Songs:
Ah! this is a tough one.. Its actually impossible to be choosing just 2 songs that mean a lot to me.. but its a challenge so here goes:
1) Forever and always - by Shania Twain.. The video of this song depicts couples of different ages.. right from kids to an old couple.. and speaks of an undying love and a promise to be loyal always.. I like this song a lot because I would like to say to all who are special to me that "I'm keeping you forever and always".. Watch the video and listen to the lyrics of the song carefully and you will know what I mean :)
2) The reason by Hoobastank - superb lyrics.. I dont really know how old this song is but even today this song never fails to make me feel emotional...

1 Picture

This is a picture of my husband Harish and me.. it was the first time I visited his home along with my parents to finalise our 'relationship' or should I say "marriage".. Harish's caption for this picture was "The cute couple".. As is evident from the picture both of us were extremely happy that day.. I like this picture for a lot of reasons.. It depicts all my dreams and wishes that I had for Harish and me and our family, right from the moment our parents and we agreed that we were a good match.. It also signifies the promise Harish made to me that day.. He said he would try to keep me happy always.. And after a year of marriage I must say he has more than just 'tried' to keep me happy.. :) Cant say the same for myself though.. (in my defense I can only say that I didn't make such promises.. heh heh) But honestly its been a good year.. Of course I'm still riding on a high that most newly married couples experience during the first few years of marriage.. So for now I'm all starry eyed and Harish is my 'Knight in shining armor' .. He is my best friend, the one who listens to me patiently without judging me.. who is always around to calm my fears even though at times he doesn't really understand them.. the one who is willing to put up with my madness.. the one who can make me laugh without being mean to others.. the one who never complains about anything (well almost..;))... This picture tells me how lucky I have to have Harish around.. He is definitely a man of his words, living up to his promise..
Of course in the years to come he will also be the man who will drive me up the wall with his annoying habits, complain about my culinary and home making skills (or rather the lack of them! lol), telling me that its my 'duty' to discipline our daughter while he tries to be the 'nice guy' and spoils her, who will say mean things to me, and will make me want to throw up my hands in exasperation and wonder what the hell was I thinking when I said the words "I Do".. I'm sure Harish will share the same sentiments about me in the years to come.. I just hope that even through those 'rough' times I'm still able to look at this picture and appreciate all the reasons that make our marriage special.. Looking forward to a lifetime of happiness, fun, challenges and over all a fulfilling married life with my better half-Harish.. The one I'll always love and respect, "till death do us apart" :)
Well its supposed to be a 10 day challenge, meaning you've got to spend 10 days writing the blog taking one topic each day.. Well I improvised a bit.. spent 10 days thinking about what i would write and now writing it all down at one shot :) here goes..

10 Secrets:
Well the thing is if I mention the secrets they no longer will remain 'secrets':) Anyway
10) I find men with crooked teeth, attractive. E.g: Ronit Roy - the guy has a terrible set of teeth but that makes him look hotter ;)
9) I'm afraid of people with a loud voice.. Some of you may be amused to know that for a very long time I was afraid of a lecturer and would try to vanish the minute I saw her simply because she had an extremely loud and shrill voice.. :)
8)I love texting.. Its on hold these days for want of other 'like minded' texting fans ;)
7) I love chewing gum..
6) I love pens.. I will buy them even though I have no intention of using them.. :)
5) I cry after every fight..
4) If I was not working in a bank I would be a lecturer.. Love to teach.. :)
3) I'm extremely possessive of the people I love..
2) I take a lot of time to trust people.. And I take an even longer time to forgive these people when they hurt me.. It doesn't matter if you care about me and do all those things to make me happy.. I will only remember that one time you hurt me..
1) The kitchen is the scariest place for me.. Because when I do start cooking I may not live up to the expectations of of the most important people in my life.. My mother, my mother in law and my husband.. This thought scares me a lot..

9 Loves:
9) Sleeping.. Until I delivered I spent most of my time asleep.. Now that I have a baby I get to sleep only when she decides its ok for me to sleep.. lol
8) Watching Desperate Housewives: I love this serial.. All the characters are very amusing..
7) Facebook.. I like the application since it gives me updates about all my FB friends without my having to ask them any questions.. ;)
6) My laptop and hard disks: Have a huge collection of movies, TV serials and songs thanks to a good friend.. and my lappy and the disks are my prized possessions :)
5) Tea: I thrive on caffeine.. Miss the days when I would have alteast 5 to 6 cups of tea a day.. and tea made by my mom.. Awesome :)
4) Spending time with friends: I love spending time with friends.. I guess I need not explain why..
3) Books: Love to read, although work and now my baby leave me with little time to indulge in what I can claim is a passion
2) Blogging: Love to write.. Its encouraging to have a few friends tell me that I write well.. Thanks for your support guys.. Your support is what keeps this blog alive :)
1) Music: School, college, The Church and even my workplace gave me a lot of opportunities to indulge in my first love - Singing.. Its been quite a while since I got to strain my vocal chords ( mean for singing and not yelling at the people around ;) ) Miss school and college solely for the reason that I miss singing.. It will always be my first love :)

8 Fears:
I cant specifically mention 8 fears.. I have the same fears and insecurities a normal person would have..
8) Fear of losing my loved ones.
7) Fear of not becoming a successful person
6) Fear of not living up to my parents expectations..
Cant think of anymore.. so will leave it at that..

7 wants:
7) Food: Not much of a foodie but I eat to live, so yes food would definitely be an item on this list
6) Work: I would always want to keep my job and never be out of one..
5) An active social life: I would like to go out and meet people.. I want it because meeting people and interacting with them gives me a lot of ideas and keeps me active..
4) Would want to own a house in my hometown Mangalore..
3) Want to maintain a low profile.. hate being in the limelight, puts me under public scrutiny, something that I can do without..
2) Want all the luxuries money can buy.. lol
1) Want to be loved and respected for what I am.. Very important.. If you can't put up with me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.. As simple as that..

6 places:
I haven't traveled much so actually would love to see the world.. :) But since I get to mention only 6 places here goes.. Dear husband, please read carefully ;)
1) Dalhousie - went there on our honeymoon and I'd love to go there again simply to enjoy the peace and quiet.. and the beautiful scenery :)
2) Leh - from the pics I've seen of this place seems to be a very beautiful place.. want to go there to play in the snow :)
3) Paris - the romantic city.. U can guess why i want to visit this place..
4) Pondicherry - I want to go there to check out the cuisine..
5) The North Eastern States: Probably Shillong and Guwahati for the natural beauty of those places..
6) Rajasthan - for a camel ride ;)

5 foods:
Well I'm not much of a foodie.. but yes i do have my favorites:
5) Prawn chilly that my mum makes
4) Rajma.. again my mum's speciality
3) Kundapur chicken that my mother in law prepares
4) American Chopsuey - I love Chinese food.. and Chopsuey's is my favourite item on the main course :)
5) Pasta - not very fond of the pasta served at restaurants.. more partial to the one my mum makes :)

4 books:
When I think of books I'm always reminded of my classmate in Graduation - Melissa who is an avid reader.. She would read just about any book she could lay her hands on.. admired her for that.. Me - I'm very choosy.. read selective authors.. Of course I still consider myself well read though ;) (Yeah Vanity as some of you may call it)
Well here are my 4 favorite books:
1) The Da Vinci Code - By Dan Brown.. I'm sure those of you who've read thsi book would agree that this is Brown's best book.. What I really liked about the book is the descriptions of the various places in the book and of course the plot.. gets you hooked and you just cant seem to put the book down until you've read the last page..
2) 2 States- The story of my marriage - Chetan Bhagat.. Superb book.. All books written by him have a simple language and the stories are so realistic you can actually relate to them.. What makes this book special for me is the clever use of humour.. laughed so much reading this book..
3) The other side of midnight - Sidney Sheldon.. this was the first book I read by the author and was so impressed that within that year I read all the books by him.. The book like all his other books has a gripping story.. and is a classic..
4) The white tiger - Aravind Adiga.. this book won the Man booker prize.. and is very deserving of the same.. the story is absolutely fantastic and the language very is a book anyone can relate to.. I would love to read it over and over again..

3 films:
1) Miss Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock.. this is my pick-me-up-from-the-dumps movie.. I watch it everytime I feel sad or low on self confidence.. It is a comedy, has some touching moments as well.. overall a feel good movie something that I can always bank on to get my spirits up..:)
2)The Pink Panther Series.. Steve Martin is absolutely brilliant and the comic timing in both the movies is just great.. Can watch the movies a million times more just to hear Steve's Martin's goofy accent.. ;)
3) SALT starring Anjelina Jolie.. One of the few action movies of recent times that left a huge impression on me.. superb plot and superb acting makes the movie an interesting watch..

2 Songs:
Ah! this is a tough one.. Its actually impossible to be choosing just 2 songs that mean a lot to me.. but its a challenge so here goes:
1) Forever and always - by Shania Twain.. The video of this song depicts couples of different ages.. right from kids to an old couple.. and speaks of an undying love and a promise to be loyal always.. I like this song a lot because I would like to say to all who are special to me that "I'm keeping you forever and always".. Watch the video and listen to the lyrics of the song carefully and you will know what I mean :)
2) The reason by Hoobastank - superb lyrics.. I dont really know how old this song is but even today this song never fails to make me feel emotional...

1 Picture

This is a picture of my husband Harish and me.. it was the first time I visited his home along with my parents to finalise our 'relationship' or should I say "marriage".. Harish's caption for this picture was "The cute couple".. As is evident from the picture both of us were extremely happy that day.. I like this picture for a lot of reasons.. It depicts all my dreams and wishes that I had for Harish and me and our family, right from the moment our parents and we agreed that we were a good match.. It also signifies the promise Harish made to me that day.. He said he would try to keep me happy always.. And after a year of marriage I must say he has more than just 'tried' to keep me happy.. :) Cant say the same for myself though.. (in my defense I can only say that I didn't make such promises.. heh heh) But honestly its been a good year.. Of course I'm still riding on a high that most newly married couples experience during the first few years of marriage.. So for now I'm all starry eyed and Harish is my 'Knight in shining armor' .. He is my best friend, the one who listens to me patiently without judging me.. who is always around to calm my fears even though at times he doesn't really understand them.. the one who is willing to put up with my madness.. the one who can make me laugh without being mean to others.. the one who never complains about anything (well almost..;))... This picture tells me how lucky I have to have Harish around.. He is definitely a man of his words, living up to his promise..
Of course in the years to come he will also be the man who will drive me up the wall with his annoying habits, complain about my culinary and home making skills (or rather the lack of them! lol), telling me that its my 'duty' to discipline our daughter while he tries to be the 'nice guy' and spoils her, who will say mean things to me, and will make me want to throw up my hands in exasperation and wonder what the hell was I thinking when I said the words "I Do".. I'm sure Harish will share the same sentiments about me in the years to come.. I just hope that even through those 'rough' times I'm still able to look at this picture and appreciate all the reasons that make our marriage special.. Looking forward to a lifetime of happiness, fun, challenges and over all a fulfilling married life with my better half-Harish.. The one I'll always love and respect, "till death do us apart" :)
I loved this, especially the 1 picture part :)