The lyrics of a favorite hymn of mine go like this:

"Lord I hope this day is good
I'm feeling empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful Lord I know I should
but Lord I hope this day is good"

I can so relate to this hymn right now coz I am feeling empty and misunderstood.
I always used to pride myself on being very open and honest. I was never in the habit of mincing words.My classmates and friends have admired me for this very quality of mine. Close friends confide in me with the hope that I will give them an honest opinion about things the way I see it.but off late I'm getting into trouble for my honesty. Making more enemies than friends and people close to me i feel are drifting away.

so now I'm confused. am I supposed to be flowing with the tide and not against it lest i be swept away by a strong current and drown? What if i want to flow with the tide but at a pace of my own, in a style of my own?

I'm feeling totally lost at this point of time.. and at a time like this I surrender myself to 'The One' who is above all.. He has a plan for everyone - sure He has one for me too.. May His will be done.. :)


  1. The natural tendency of all human behavior is toward the path of least resistance.When you resist this tendancy,you become stronger and more powerful.

    Persisting through lesser difficulties builds your capacity to persist through greater difficulties,and achieve even greater things.

    My way of life is-
    GOD grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,courage to change the things i can,and wisdom to know the differece

  2. Hey Sharon,
    Nice post .. but hey stick to the path of Righteousnes .. Its always tough .. find ppl who can support you :-)
    Become a part of a tribe/community


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