The perfect roommate

So, I’m not a very social person.. I’m reserved, shy and like to maintain a low profile.. so an official trip is something that gives me anxiety.. because I have to force myself to mingle with people and it’s not my strength.. The nature of my job is such where I have to communicate with different people throughout the day.. and those conversations are easy for me because they don’t require for me to make small talk.. and most of these conversations are over the phone.. Whereas when we’re called for an official meeting or in this case a Conclave, it’s a totally different ball game.. I have to make eye contact with people, make an effort to talk and pretend to be interested in what people are saying.. because if you keep quiet and to yourself you’re often labelled as haughty, snobbish and arrogant.. No one gives an introvert the benefit of the doubt that the person may not be arrogant but just painfully shy and unable to initiate conversations.. 

What’s more tough during such official meetings is having to share a room with a colleague.. A roommate can make your trip fun or hell.. imagine being paired with a person who talks endlessly.. I was dreading such a situation and so when we reached the resort, it was with great apprehension that I walked towards the reception to check for my room allotment.. I was partly relieved to have been allotted a room with someone whom I had conversations with over the phone.. The challenge would be to stay with this colleague, let’s call her R.. 

So I reached the room first and was just getting familiar with the place when R arrived and gave me a smile.. She probably had the same apprehensions about me.. We just spoke for a bit after which I left the room wanting to catch up with my other friends who had also come for the conclave.. Then we all decided to go out dinner and I cannot say how guilty this made me feel when I returned back to the room probably after 12.30 in the morning and woke R out of her sleep to open the door for me.. R gave me a dirty look when she opened the door and if looks could kill I would’ve surely been dead when she glared at me.. but I wanted to change and just go to sleep and R was already asleep by the time I changed and got into bed.. Thank God! 

Next morning, we wake up at almost the same time and R asks me if I wanted tea.. I was a bit apprehensive considering R is very senior to me and as courtesy I should be offering to make tea.. But I guess R realised that if she waits for me to make tea she will be waiting forever.. (lol) So she heated water and poured it in the cup and walked up to my side table and placed the cup along with ingredients to make the tea.. I was slightly embarrassed but then, I’m not really a homely, domesticated sort of a person.. Kitchen duty is my least favourite job and I will go to great lengths to escape this job during regular days.. so during a conclave there’s absolutely no question of me handling anything that is from the kitchen and this includes an electric kettle.. my embarrassment was replaced with laziness and I got into bed and had my green tea while reading my book.. 

The highlight of sharing a room with a colleague is you get to know little things about them that help you get to know them better.. I got to know R is a huge football fan.. I dunno too many ladies in my circle who follow football.. so it was a surprise for me that R watches football.. I was disappointed I couldn’t make this into a conversation about football since I don’t follow the game.. (Note to self: Start watching Premier League) 

After the whole day’s session is over and we’ve had dinner, my friends call me to catch up with them.. I’m in two minds because I know if I go to meet my friends there’s a fair chance I’ll come back late and I don’t want to be insensitive towards R and disturb her sleep.. With great hesitation I tell R I’m going to meet my friends and I’ll come back to the room late.. R is a good sport about it and says it’s fine and I can come and ring the bell and she’ll open the door for me.. I was overjoyed thinking I have the best roommate in the world.. Of course my friend was unhappy about this and told me I should’ve asked for a room with someone else who stays out late night instead of disturbing R’s sleep every night.. anyway I came back to the room at 2.30 am and rang the best and R immediately opened the door and went back to sleep.. so did I.. 

During the coming days we got into the routine of morning tea, followed by the sessions and then dinner and then again back to the room and me going out again and coming back late and R opening door for me without cribbing.. she reminded me of my best friend who I behave so badly with and take her so much for granted.. I have been at my best behaviour with R so I don’t think she has anything to complain about, although I should’ve taken a feedback form just to know what she thinks of me.. maybe next time.. ;-) 

During our last night there my friends and me decided to catch up for a session of chatting and playing cards.. first I told R I’m going out with my friends for dinner.. but we couldn’t go out since we weren’t able to get any transportation to go out to a restaurant.. so we decided to chill in one of our friends rooms.. so when I tell R I’m going out for dinner and will be late she asks me what time will I come back..? At 2.30 am or 3.30 am.. this was making me feel guilty but then she was cool about it and said she’ll open the door for me when I come back.. since we couldn’t go out I was back at the restaurant for dinner and I  met R who asked if it’s already 2.30 am.. she was pulling my leg but I wasn’t prepared for this otherwise I would’ve come up with a witty comeback.. after dinner I went to chill out with my friends and came back to the room probably after 2.30 am and R again opened the door for me.. she must be thanking the stars it was just a 3 day conclave and not a week long affair.. or else I would disturb her sleep every nite.. ;-)

I realised she’s very organised with her stuff.. I took almost an hour to pack up all my things but I never saw her pack.. by some magic her stuff was already packed.. so I told her that when she’s asleep I’m going to unpack all her things and spread it all out in the room so she has to pack her stuff again.. she may have thought she has a devil for a room mate.. but I was just pulling her leg trying to make her laugh.. 

I thought it would be fun to play Uno with her and so I suggested we play it.. I explained the rules and after that just to psyche her up said that I usually win this game but since she’s playing for the first time I’ll let her win.. we started playing and she won the first game and also the second game.. another embarrassing moment but thankfully she didn’t rub it in my face and said she had to leave since the bus to the airport was ready.. so she said “until next time” and she left.. maybe next time she’ll ensure I’m not allotted a room with her for fear that I will unpack all her stuff and spread it out in the room or maybe play other pranks on her..

I’m glad I got her as a room mate.. she seemed to be quiet or maybe I wasn’t interesting enough to talk to.. or she probably is as comfortable with silence as I am.. whatever the reason, we seemed to get along well.. although I was still scared of her dirty looks.. 

In a situation like a conclave, while I usually appear confident and unfazed about the people around, I’m actually praying that no one talks to me.. because I can’t make small talk and I like to keep to myself.. with R it was a good balance.. she would talk or not depending on whether I spoke or not.. no extra talk.. and she was probably still trying to gauge me throughout the trip so it looked like she was just observing me.. 

I had a good trip.. I’m not saying she was the perfect roommate since she beat me at Uno.. especially since this was the first time she was playing the game.. but it was good having a roommate who let me be myself.. so like someone told me “Until next time”

P.S: next time I’m giving my roommate a feedback form to fill up.. jus for cheap thrills.. ;-) 


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