Lessons learnt from life on the road
So, here's a shoutout to all Bangaloreans, those who are originally from here and also to those who have come here from other places and made Bangalore your home.. This post is for you.. This post is also for all those who have 'nagged' me saying it's been a long time since I wrote something.. So here goes..
I love this city for many reasons, but "traffic" is not one of them.. Imagine this scene from my recent commute to office.. I'm in my car with the ignition on.. There is a sea of traffic in front of me.. The traffic is moving at a snail's pace.. I'm sure the tortoise from the fable "The hare and the tortoise" has already reached his destination.. But I'm still stuck at the same spot that I have been in from the past one hour.. There is absolutely no way I can move in any direction.. Despite this, the guy in the car behind me is honking like crazy.. Maybe he felt I drive a Batmobile and he thought I can activate the wings of my car and start flying.. I looked at him in the rear view mirror and just held up my hand to ask "What the hell"?
While I'm sticking to my lane, moving forward little by little there are other people who're just trying to squeeze through the spaces on the sides and trying to move forward making the traffic situation even worse.. Looking at this my blood was boiling.. Music simply failed to calm my nerves that morning.. I just wanted to roll down my window and scream at all these people trying to squeeze into the spaces between the vehicles asking them if they are crazy or just simply stupid? Instead I just began playing candy crush on my phone.. Yes I still play that game.. :-)
So this drive taught me a lot things some of which I thought I should share with you all.. Feel free to add to the list.. ;-)
--> 'Lane discipline' is for losers : You're going to be stuck in traffic forever if you don't switch lanes/drive on the wrong of the road or generally flout all traffic rules..
--> The indicator on your vehicle is obsolete : You could be switching on the left/right indicator and no one gives a shit..
--> Turning on the indicator is actually a challenge to all 2-wheelers behind you that they must overtake you from the side you are planning to turn to..
--> Auto drivers are the kings of the jungle (road) : Along the auto they own the road too and don't need to follow any traffic rules..
--> You need to learn cuss words in your mother tongue : It's more therapeutic to call someone a 'dog' in your native language than in English ;-)
I'm watching people around me acting like total jerks, driving on the wrong side of the road, trying to overtake vehicles from the wrong side and I realise that life's like that.. And you get to choose everyday what/who you want to be.. You can either be another jerk in the already huge crowd of jerks and make life miserable for the people around or you can just stick to you lane and move forward when it's your turn..
Well, as for me I'm one of those 'losers' who prefers sticking to my lane simply because I don't want to get a dent on my car..
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