Happy International Human Resources Day

So I'm looking at all the status messages being shared by my colleagues from the HR fraternity about "International Human Resources Day"..  Well, here's a shoutout to all HR professionals all over the world who strive hard to make a difference at the workplace.. I can now picture my friends/acquaintances/colleagues roll their eyes while reading about this and remarking "Yeah, all through the year these HR people behave like they own the world and now they have a "Day" glorifying their profession?? Bite me!!! (lol) 

Coming to our profession, yes we are that "annoying" class of people who keep initiating "employee engagement programmes" (read 'surveys', fun hours (yawn!) "Best employee of the month", Ethnic day celebrations and the list is endless) So while we're trying to bring about cheer at the workplace through these activities and trying to boost the morale of  our colleagues the question really is how do we HR professionals stay motivated? 

Well, I have my "off days" when I don't want to deal with other people's problems, but that's not always an option.. However, despite all my cribbing I still enjoy my work and really like what I'm doing.. And of course, I have no illusions about my role in other people's lives (I mean the lives of my colleagues) I can't say I'm popular or well liked.. At best, people probably just tolerate me because of the position I hold but I try to do my job to the best of my ability and try to ensure that anyone who approaches me always leaves in a better frame of mind.. 

I have a few learnings that have helped me do my job well and I thought this was an opportune moment to share them.. Of course these can be used by people other than HR professionals as well.. (heh heh heh)

So here goes:

-----> Try to be unbiased as far as possible: This is important because no one likes favoritism at the workplace..

------> Maintain confidentiality: It's important for colleagues to know that their secrets and innermost thoughts are safe with you..

------> Be humble and feel free to ask for help: You don't have to know it all.. Also it's important to be aware that your seniors have more experience than you, your juniors are technically more savvy and your peers are more knowledgeable than you.. People will always be ready to help you.. You just have to be humble enough to ask.. 

------> What people think about you is none of your business: If they're talking about you behind your back it's definitely because your life is more colorful and exciting than theirs..

-------> And finally "HR is a thankless job" - Accept it! 

A year ago, a colleague shared a joke with me just to stress on the premise that HR professionals can do what they please.. The joke goes like this.. An HR decided to conduct a game at the workplace.. The rule was simple.. When the HR says the name of a fruit, all the people should move to the left and when the HR says the name of a colour, all the people should move to the right.. Once everyone confirmed that they have understood the instructions the HR said "Lets start playing" and said "ORANGE"

The conclusion of the colleague being that you can never win against an HR.. (heh heh heh)

I can confidently say that HR professionals are the most despised people at the workplace but I feel a lot of that ill feeling is misdirected at us.. We don't intend to harass people or boss over them.. We're just the bridge between the management and the workforce/the human resources.. At the end of the day we're human too.. and we'd like it if people around us cut us some slack.. In the meantime we'll still continue going about our daily routine of spreading joy and cheer at the workplace by forcing you out of your comfort zones and make you take part in activities you have no interest in.. (lol!)

Let me end by saying "I'm an HR professional.. what's your super power?" ;-)


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