The Crush and the "Crushers"

So a friend recently shared a pic of a colleague on our WhatsApp group.. This guy (let's call him "Salt & Pepper) is the present crush of another friend in the group.. So when I saw this guy's pic I zoomed in to have a proper look at his face.. I also rubbed my eyes repeatedly just to make sure I was seeing the guy's face properly.. You see, our friend is what one would typically refer to as a "babe" and to know that she's crushing on someone who's so ordinary looking (to say the least) came as a mild shock to me.. Of course that's why Shakespeare came up with the line "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".. I'm now convinced that the 'beholder' in this case needs an eye check up immediately! 

To top it off, the guy totally ignores the existence of our friend.. Of course that's no problem at all.. We thrive on relationships based on unrequited love.. if a guy would drop everything and profess his undying love for us we would immediately label him as "clingy" and "obsessive".. Where's the challenge in this? The thrill lies in the chase.. so now our friend is doomed to spend her time mooning over a guy who's probably not half as good as her yet has the power to make or break her day.. 

Then we have another friend who's holding a candle for her "crush"..Let's call him "Mr Big Property".. lol.. I'm not sure if the guy is her school or college classmate.. but I'm sure she has a major crush on him..  He's supposedly good looking and can also sing well.. and all the songs I've heard him sing sound like he's singing them for her.. so it's no surprise that she has a crush on him.. nothing is more flattering for a woman than to know that a guy other than her husband finds her attractive/smart/interesting/intelligent.. and to have someone sing songs for you is sufficient to seal the deal.. The only drawback to this situation is that I feel our friend is more emotionally invested in this than the guy is.. I could be wrong and it's really her personal choice as to how she wants to play this out.. I would just hate to to see her get hurt.. In the mean time we're all just happy teasing her about his "property" and when is she planning to "inspect" it.. heh heh heh

Our third and most interesting friend has no crushes that she has confessed about.. But I do know she had a major crush on George Clooney.. she's watched most of his movies.. but I think her heart broke when got married to Amal.. and I guess it's during that time she switched to watching Paki series where she found more hot looking men.. who helped her get over Clooney though I'm sure she would've preferred being "under" him.. heh heh heh.. she's the most practical person of our group and probably realizes that crushes are nothing but a waste of time and effort.. she's just happy to say mean things to us when we are speaking of our feelings for our crushes.. ;-)

Speaking of my crushes, I've had a few of them over the years.. for some weird reason and for a brief period I liked guys with crooked teeth.. then there was this phase where I took a fancy for guys with French beards.. that was when I was in college.. Now that I'm older (and wiser) looks don't really matter much to me.. I'm more about the qualities of a person.. so if you can make me laugh I automatically find you attractive.. and if you are articulate, have an excellent vocabulary and an accent to go with, I'm sold! But it's disappointing that the combination is just impossible to find..  

So I've accepted this reality and I'm happy to just indulge in what I call "window shopping".. I'm presently drooling over one of our Executives.. who's pretty looking and has a smile that can light up the room.. so when he walks into the room, it's just the wind blowing and flowers falling and sound of violins playing.. totally romantic scenes.. that's until he opens his mouth.. "What about this one? Do that one... This one, that one"... OMG! 

But I want to make this work.. so I'm going to work on my Kannada so that he feels comfortable to converse with me and I get to spend more time in his company.. ;-)


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