Nikki turns 10!!!!

Today is Nikki's 10th Birthday.. "Time flies" is an understatement in this case considering the fact that I can still vividly recall the moments leading up to my labour and subsequent birth of my baby doll Nikki.. It's not just Nikki's birthday, it's also the day that a mother was born.. Of all the roles I have played till date the one I cherish the most is being a mother.. It's easy being Nikki's mom.. She's the most affectionate, caring and loving kid you will come across.. Also there is only one special child in the world and every mother has it.. So Nikki for me is the best kid around..

She's always been mature for her age.. But what actually forced her to "grow up" overnight was my transfer away from Bangalore.. I wondered how she would manage without me.. But as I write this post today I can proudly proclaim that she's independent and self sufficient.. Sometimes it makes me feel insecure.. You know every mother wants her child to be independent and self sufficient but when the moment actually presents itself its very difficult for a mother to accept it.. Like I can recall one instance when I had come back to Bangalore on leave.. We were getting ready to go out and I told her I'll comb her hair and she said "It's okay Mama, I can do it myself"..  I should have been proud that she's learning to do things for herself but that moment it hurt me hearing her say those words.. But that's life I guess.. I'm happy she's grown into a fine kid.. There's the usual tantrums, and the occasional display of bad behavior but that's fine.. What's life without a bit of drama.. lol..

At this moment it has yet to sink in that she's 10 years old today.. But it's been an awesome decade.. Nikki has brought an immense amount of love and joy in my life.. being her mother has made me want to make myself a better person.. and while I may not have been a great mother, she has been the best daughter a parent could have wished for..

Baby, on your birthday I wish you the best that life has to offer.. Thank you for giving me the best decade of my life and thank you for loving me so much.. Your love is what gets me through difficult times.. I see you have inherited the best qualities from your Dada and me.. I just hope you haven't inherited my sense of style (that would be disastrous! LOL).. 

You have long since outgrown my lap.. But you will never outgrow my heart.. I love you baby.. I will always you...

Lots of love and kisses,

Mama :-)


  1. Happy Birthday Nikki.. Stay blessed always... Much love❣️


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