So I received several forwards today wishing me a Happy New Year.. I have yet to send replies to all those who messaged me.. Well I'm more of the 'meme sharing person'.. You know, the one who relates to messages like "Utho Anarkali, sab ko 'Same to you' bolna hai".. But not wanting to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, I will take the time to send a personal message to all those who wished me a happy new year today..

Well, I'm in the mood to rant so I'll just go ahead and say it.. What's the big deal? So it's a new year.. That makes me a year older and brings me a step closer to my grave (yeah I'm in 'that' mood today!) 

Agreed that the less said about the year gone by, the better.. But what did we really lose out on last year? Probably our freedom was curtailed because we couldn't go out on trips or lunch/dinner meets.. Couldn't meet our parents/friends as regularly as we would have wanted to.. But spare a thought about people who lost something tangible/precious.. These people really lost something... There are scores of people who lost their loved ones to the deadly virus.. Many people who contracted the virus and have recovered are still looking at permanent damage to their vital organs.. Several people lost their jobs/faced severe losses in their business/lost their source of livelihood due to the pandemic.. 

I read a particular post where a question was posted which said "What do you wish for in the New Year?" and someone replied "I wish that my husband gets his full salary this year".. It was heart rending to read this.. It made me realise how much I take things for granted.. So when I saw people ushering the new year with so much joy and enthusiasm, it somehow made me feel a little annoyed.. I want to ask you was the year so bad? On a scale of 1 to 10 what is the score of your 'loss'.. If at the beginning of this new year, you are with a job that's paying you your full salary, if you are illness free, if you have a roof over your head, have access to clean water, have good food on the table, how would you rate your 'loss' score??? 

If the year gone by has taught us anything, it's that we should never take anything for granted.. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.. We need to be grateful for everything that we have been blessed with.. 

So at the beginning of another new year I'm extremely grateful for all that I have today.. I recently read a few profound lines which said, "I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet".. So I have decided that whenever I feel discontented or unhappy I'm going to take some time and count my blessings and never take anything or anyone in my life for granted.. That's my new year resolution.. 

So here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year.. I hope you all are blessed with good health and happiness.. 

Also please remember, it's just the calendar that's changed.. Your spouse, job and problems are still the same... ;-)

P.S: Hubby darling, I love you ;-)


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