Covid-19 and I

So for people that know me closely also know that I'm sentimental.. But my friends will just tell you that I'm "mental".. Anyway, I've always wished that the people who're close to me tell me how they actually feel about me, how much they miss me, how much they care for me, how much I mean to them.. You know I wish these so called 'close' people say mushy things to me.. But no! What I get instead is endless banter, merciless teasing and sarcasm.. Like recently this friend was telling me about how I attract all unwanted people in my life, when actually I feel that this particular friend is just jealous of my popularity.. lol!! 

So in a recent group chat while sharing a forward about Covid-19, a friend said that Covid is behaving like me.. In an otherwise endless list of mean comments directed at me I didn't take this one to heart.. It was more of a compliment since I'm being compared to the most (un)popular topics at the moment and hence I was feeling mildly flattered.. And so I thought why not list out all the similarities between Covid and me.. Yeah besides being sentimental, I can also be crazy at times.. So here's my crazy post about how similar Covid and I are..

1. Covid-19 is feared - So am I

Well I'm a totally friendly, chill and cool person.. (When I want to be).. But normally I don't want to be friendly.. I like to maintain that intimidating demeanor so that I don't have to deal with people I don't want to.. So for the people who do dare to still try and reach out to me - well, you deserve a bravery award! and like Corona I will kill you.. But not fatally, just try to scare you with my cold stare! 

2. Covid-19 is world famous - So am I

Yes the only topic being discussed today is Covid-19.. It's impacted people world over.. Every single news channel, online news feed and even memes are only dedicated to Corona.. I don't think there is a single person in this world who has not heard of Covid.. It's world famous.. So also I like to believe I'm 'famous' since people are very interested to know what I'm upto, where I am during weekends, who I'm talking to etc etc.. It makes me feel like a celebrity.. I wish I was earning like one too! lol!!

3. Covid-19 is destructive - (Apparently) So am I

I won't get into the details of how Covid has caused havoc and destruction in everyone's lives..Coming to me, a friend said I destroy whoever comes in contact with me.. That's a bit over the top I guess.. Anyway the example this friend cited about my destructive capabilities was that Tik Tok got banned the minute I started uploading my videos on the app! Ha ha.. Very funny.. needless to say I have banned/blocked this friend from my life! (just kidding).. Actually I've made a hobby of 'blocking' and 'unblocking' people in my life (read "Social Media").. Helps to spice things up and keeps the other party 'interested'.. lol! ;-) 

4. Covid-19 is a mystery - So am I

So scientists world over are racing against time to try and find a vaccine/cure for Corona.. But they are unable to figure out what kind of a virus this is and how it can be contained.. Well, people have tried hard to understand me also and failed miserably.. heh heh heh.. The answers to questions like "Who is this person?" "What exactly does she want?" still remains elusive and a mystery and people have raised their hands in surrender.. Well I'm not going to answer these questions too.. Because that's for me to know and for you to find out.. ;-)

5. Covid-19 is here to stay - So am I

Now health experts all over the world are telling us that Covid is here to stay and that we can't get rid if it and hence we should learn to live with it.. So is the case with me.. People can't get rid of me.. Even if they want to.. I make a lasting impression on the people I come in contact with.. So once you get to know me closely you're stuck with me.. for life!! you have to find a way to live with me, my quirks, weirdness, mood swings, sarcasm and everything else about me that gets on your nerves.. 

So like this friend said that friendship with me is like a marriage.. Just like in a marriage there comes a point where neither can you live WITH your spouse nor can you live WITHOUT them.. in the same way like Covid you can't live with me but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.. I'm here to stay and you're stuck with me.. Lucky you! ;-)


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